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本文上篇介绍了提问的方式有开放式、闭合式、激将式和探讨式,现在再谈谈引导式提问。在采访理解力较差、思想迟钝的对象,或是年迈多病记忆力差的老人,采用引导式提问较适宜。这种提问方式又有两种做法:一是按照报道的要求,先提出一个引子,启发对方谈出具有新闻价值的事实;二是先进行问候或闲聊,在交谈中抓住一个涉及报道的话题,再顺藤摸瓜,逐步引入正题。有个记者采访一位家庭主妇时采用这种提问获得成功。那是党的十一届六中全会通过的《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》发表后,他深入北京的街道采访居民 In the first part of this article, the way of asking questions is open, closed, stimulating and discussing. Now we will talk about guiding questions. In the interview with poor understanding, slow thinking of the object, or elderly patients with poor memory, use of guided questions is appropriate. There are two ways to ask this question: First, in accordance with the requirements of the report, first put forward a primer to inspire each other to talk about the fact that has news value; second is to first greetings or chatting, to seize a conversation in the topics involved , Then follow the example, gradually introduce the subject. A reporter interviewed a housewife to use this question to be successful. It was after the publication of the “Resolution on Certain Historical Issues of the Party since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China” passed at the 6th Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party that he went deep into the streets of Beijing to interview residents