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彰武县地处辽宁西北部科尔沁沙地南缘,其区域植被群落恢复与重建是研究的焦点。以往的研究因缺少群落个体的空间定位,无法准确描述群落物种的空间分布及动态变化。因此,本研究应用森林大样地监测方法,于2014年7月在彰武县阿尔乡建立了1块100 m×100 m的疏林地长期监测样地,对样地内所有胸径不小于1 cm的所有木本植物进行定位调查。结果表明:样地内物种数较少,共10个树种,分属于9科9属;样地内独立个体数为393,包含分枝的个体数为592;群落中优势树种明显,从重要值分析来看,山里红(Crataegus pinnatifida var.major)和加杨(Populus×canadensis)在群落中占有绝对优势(重要值分别为0.316、0.295);家榆(Ulmus pumila)和樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)在其中亦占有一定的比例(多度分别为47、26),更新较为良好;从物种的空间分布来看,主要树种除樟子松外并未表现出明显的聚集性分布,部分小乔木和灌木树种则表现出相对聚集性分布,但并没有表现出与地形明显的相关性。 Zhangwu County is located in the southern margin of Horqin sandy land in northwestern Liaoning. The restoration and reconstruction of vegetation communities in the area is the focus of the study. In the past, the spatial distribution and dynamic changes of community species could not be accurately described because of the lack of spatial orientation of individual communities. Therefore, in this study, a large-scale monitoring of forest area was established. In July 2014, a long-term monitoring site of 100m × 100m sparse forest land was established in Albuzu, Zhangwu County. All the samples with DBH of no less than 1 cm All woody plants were surveyed. The results showed that there were 10 species of 9 species in 9 families belonging to 9 genera in 9 families. The number of independent individuals in the plot was 393, and the number of individuals with branches was 592. The dominant species in the community were obvious. The results showed that Crataegus pinnatifida var. Major and Populus × canadensis had the absolute superiority in the community (important values ​​were 0.316,0.295, respectively); Ulmus pumila and Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica ) Also occupy a certain proportion (the degree of abundance was 47,26, respectively), and the updates were relatively good. According to the spatial distribution of species, the major tree species did not show obvious aggregation distribution except for Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica, and some small trees And shrub species showed a relative aggregation distribution, but did not show a clear correlation with the topography.
以遴选与奖励全国青年社会科学领域最优秀成果为宗旨的“胡绳青年学术奖”评选活动日前拉开帷幕。 这项青年学术奖以全国政协副主席、中国社会科学院院长、著名理论家胡绳命
The Health Express is a train hospital which was presented to Mainland from Hong Kong Foundation. And it is composed of three cars in which the 16 oculists from
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