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根据国家新闻出版署、北京市新闻出版局关于报(刊)社在外地设驻地记者站(工作站)有关规定的精神和北京市科委的指示,科技潮杂志社特作出对各地工作站进行整顿的决定。一、为进一步加强科技潮杂志社与各地科技管理部门的联系,使《科技潮》杂志直接成为首都科技界与各地科技部门以及科技企事业单位进行交流的纽带,杂志社决定撤消驻各地工作的组织机构。各地工作站撤消以后,原工作站的工作人员经考核确认后可作为杂志社在各地的特邀记者,由杂志社实行统一领导。二、杂志社在各地的特邀记者于2001年12月内与杂志社签署2002年度的聘任协议书,并按照协议书的授权内容开展工作。三、杂志社通过各地特邀记者的联系与各地有关部门(包括集体和个人)签署的经济合同书(包括协议、纪要、意向书等),均须加盖杂志社公章(或杂志社广告专用章)方能生效。四、杂志社通过特邀记者在各地组织的各种宣传活动,须由杂志社向特邀记者颁发授权书或委托书。 According to the State Press and Publication Administration and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication, on the spirit of the relevant regulations of the newspaper and periodicals press station (station) in the field and the instructions of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the science and technology tide magazine specially made rectification workstations for all localities Decided. 1. In order to further strengthen the connection between science and technology magazine and science and technology administration departments in various places so that “science and technology boom” magazine will directly become the link between science and technology sector in the capital and scientific and technological departments and science and technology enterprises in various places, the magazine decided to withdraw its work in various places organization. After the withdrawal of workstations around the original workstations staff confirmed by the examination can be used as magazines around the invited journalists, the magazine to implement unified leadership. Second, magazine invited correspondents from around the country in December 2001 with the magazine signed the 2002 appointment agreement, and in accordance with the content of the agreement authorized to work. Third, the magazine through the contact of invited correspondents from all over the relevant departments (including collectives and individuals) signed economic contracts (including agreements, minutes, letters of intent, etc.), must be stamped with the magazine’s official seal (or magazine advertising seal ) Can only be effective. Fourth, the magazine through the special correspondents in various promotional activities organized by the magazine must be invited to reporters issued a power of attorney or power of attorney.
本文以曲线套筒为例,论述了非实体曲线测量原理和方法,并对其误差进行了分析,提出了改进方法。 In this paper, the curve sleeve is taken as an example to discuss the prin