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12月的春城昆明,在高原阳光的曝晒下,呈现出一派融融暖意。乘着赴滇庆贺云南人民出版社成立五十周年之机,我和刘硕良主编一道,重访了云南教育出版社社长何学惠。云南教育出版社不久前才迁进新落成的云南出版大楼,登上16层,走进何社长曲径通幽、素雅大方、四面以书为墙的新办公室,她满脸笑意地出来迎接我们。与一年前相较,何社长依然神采弈弈,一副精明干练的样子,只是清癯的面容上多了几道依稀可见的皱纹。想来就是执掌这样一家虽在全国成立 Spring in December Kunming, exposed to the sunshine in the plateau, showing a group of warm and warm. Taking the opportunity to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Yunnan People’s Publishing House in Yunnan, I and Liu Shuoliang, editor in chief, revisited the Yunnan Education Publishing House President He Xuehui. Not long ago, Yunnan Education Press moved into the newly-completed Yunnan Publishing Building and boarded the 16th floor. She walked into He Qingshang’s winding, elegant and elegant new office with a wall of books, Meet us. Compared with a year ago, President Ho is still look ghost chess, a shrewd and capable way, but the face of Qingbian a few vaguely visible wrinkles. Want to come in charge of such a is established in the country
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OBJECTIVE To investigate the diagnostic value of modified prostate specific antigen(PSA)parameters in the diagnosis of prostate cancer(PCA) when the serum PSAis
Peptide 6A (P6A), one of the products degraded from fibrinogen β chain, which can increase CPF and inhibit thrombosis significantly, is a potential thrombodas
本刊讯 作为庆祝《中国档案》杂志创刊50周年活动的一部分,“清华紫光杯”《中国档案》读刊有奖知识竞赛活动得到全国各地广大读者的积极响应,从登出启事到截止日期6月20日,两个
由中国机械工程学会及其焊接分会、德国焊接学会和德国埃森展览公司共同主办的第九届北京埃森焊接与切割展览会将于11月10日——13日在北京中国国际展览中心举办。来自1 8个