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1月17日,广电总局电影局公布《关于加强海峡两岸电影合作管理的现行办法》(以下简称《办法》)。根据办法,凡取得《电影片公映许可证》的台湾影片,作为进口影片在大陆发行,不受进口影片配额限制;同时大陆与台湾合作摄制的影片在大陆发行方面,享受国产影片相关待遇。《办法》规定,台湾拍摄的华语影片是指根据台湾有关条例设立或建立的制片单位所拍摄的,拥有50%以上影片著作权的华语影片。该影片主要工作人员组别中台湾居民应占组别整体员工数的50%以上。《办法》称,由中国电影集团公司进出口分公司统一进口,其他任何单位或者个人不得经营台湾影片的进口业务。进口供公映的台湾影片经国家广电总局电影审查委员会根据《电影管理条例》进行审查,取得国务院广播电影电视行政部门颁发的《电影片公映许可证》后,方 On January 17, the Film Bureau of the State Administration of Radio Film and Television announced the “Measures for Strengthening the Management of Film Cooperation Between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait” (the “Measures”). According to the solution, any Taiwan film that has obtained the Permit for Film Reproduction shall be released as an imported film on the mainland without restrictions on the quotas of imported films. At the same time, films produced in cooperation with Taiwan by the mainland will enjoy domestically-produced films in their distribution. The Measures stipulate that Chinese-language films filmed in Taiwan refer to Chinese-language films with more than 50% of the film’s copyright taken by the production units established or established under the relevant Taiwan regulations. More than 50% of the total number of employees in the group in the main staff group of the film is Taiwan. “Measures” said that by the China Film Group Import and Export Corporation unified import, no other units or individuals shall not operate Taiwan’s film import business. Taiwan films imported for screening have been reviewed by the Film Review Commission of the State Administration of Radio Film and Television under the “Film Management Regulations” and have obtained the “Permit for Film Reproduction” issued by the radio, film and television administrative department of the State Council.
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