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确立休闲伦理的基本原则是休闲伦理的理论构建及其实践问题的前提基础。基于休闲主客体的应然性关系,实现人本价值的道德自由、追求感性生活的幸福体验、保障民生权利的公平正义、遵循人与自然的生态和谐等学理依据不仅使得休闲伦理的理论构建具有天然的价值合理性,而且具有现实可行性,由此决定自由、幸福、公正和生态构成休闲伦理的基本原则。休闲伦理的基本原则不仅是休闲道德规范的基本出发点,而且是评判休闲正当性与合理性的基本依据。 The establishment of the basic principles of leisure ethics is the precondition of the theoretical construction of leisure ethics and its practical problems. Based on the supposed relationship between leisure subject and object, the moral freedom of human value, the happy experience of pursuing perceptual life, the fairness and justice of protecting civil rights, and the ecological harmony of man and nature not only make the theoretical construction of leisure ethics have Natural value rationality, but also has the realistic feasibility, thus decides the freedom, the happiness, the fairness and the ecology forms the recreational ethics basic principle. The basic principle of leisure ethics is not only the basic starting point of leisure ethics, but also the basic basis for judging the legitimacy and rationality of leisure.
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In this paper, the distribution patterns and abundance of pelagic tunicates in the North Yellow Sea of China during the period 2006-2007 were analyzed. Zooplank
河北省南和县教育局规定,“凡是教师子女,中小学阶段必须在本县就读”,“凡是子女转学到外地的老师,将被调离原工作单位,到较偏远的乡村任教,且不再评职称、评优评先”。规定下发后,该县有的教师被迫将子女转了回来。据悉,当地教育局此举是为了留住优质生源。(7月25日《中国青年报》)  爱子之心,人皆有之。做父母的总希望给自己的孩子创造尽可能好的成长环境,包括接受更好的教育。本县教育水平不如外县,如果条件允