今年欧洲的 转会市场又创天 价,菲戈以5610 万美元转会皇家 马德里队。至会 费从1990年的 1400万美元到今 天的5610万美 元一路飙升,其 速度之快令人咋 舌。让我们看看 近几年最大的十次转会: 从中我们可以看出短短的3年内转会费就翻了一翻,其内在的原因
Transfer prices in Europe this year, another record high price, Figo to Real Madrid team transfer 56.1 million US dollars. The rate of member contributions soaring from $ 14 million in 1990 to $ 56.1 million today is staggering. Let us look at the ten largest transfer in recent years: from which we can see that the transfer fee has doubled in a short period of three years, its intrinsic reason