Have you ever seen a sunflower? In the long process of biological evolution, this plant “practices” a special set of skills, and its huge faceplate can slowly turn as the sun shifts. Because it “knows”, the only way to get more light. So, solar-powered devices can also be the same as the sun, tracking the sun automatically? The answer is in the affirmative. This article introduces the reader is a water heater can automatically track the sun. It features a batch-type photoelectric tracking device that enables the mirror to automatically align itself with the sun. It does not require motor drive, there is no complicated deceleration device, the structure is relatively simple. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the structure of this solar water heater, the mirror area and preheat flat collector area of 6 square meters each. In Guangzhou, sunny day can produce 220 kilograms of boiling water.