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糖尿病是一种由遗传原因和环境因素作用而累及全身,并需要长期治疗的疾病。目前,我国糖尿病的发病率呈明显上升趋势。疾病本身及其各种并发症正威胁着人们的健康,影响着人们的生活质量,如何才能遏制这个病魔?近几年,糖尿病领域专家和学者们总结出了糖尿病防治的五驾马车并行,成为控制疾病的有力武器。对孝感市中心医院住院的糖尿病患者采取以饮食治疗、体育运动、药物治疗、血糖自我定期监测、糖尿病知识教育即“五驾马车并行”为核心的宣传,对患者及家属进行全面系统的糖尿病健康知识教育,并在其出院后继续进行家庭健康随访,帮助患者建立良好的健康行为,达到最佳健康状态,提高生活质量;从而在缩短住院日,降低住院成本及减少再住院率方面取得较满意的效果;同时对全社会预防糖尿病,减少糖尿病发病率方面起到积极的作用。糖尿病目前虽还没有根治方法,但绝不是不治之症,糖尿病完全是一种可防可治的疾病,通过积极治疗,患者完全可以过正常人的生活,享受健康人的寿命。 Diabetes is a disease that is systemic and requires long-term treatment due to both genetic and environmental factors. At present, the incidence of diabetes in China showed a clear upward trend. The disease itself and its various complications are threatening people’s health, affecting people’s quality of life, how to curb the disease? In recent years, diabetes experts and scholars summed up the prevention and control of diabetes in parallel with the five carriages, a A powerful weapon to control the disease. Xiaogan Central Hospital hospitalized patients with diabetes to take diet therapy, physical exercise, drug treatment, self-monitoring of blood glucose self-knowledge, that is, diabetes education, “five carriages parallel” as the core of publicity, patients and their families a comprehensive and systematic Education on diabetes health knowledge and follow-up home health follow-up after discharge from hospital to help patients establish good health behaviors, achieve optimal health status and improve their quality of life; thereby achieving shorter hospitalization days, reducing hospitalization costs and reducing re-hospitalization rate More satisfactory results; at the same time the whole society to prevent diabetes, reduce the incidence of diabetes play a positive role. Although there is no cure for diabetes at present, it is by no means an incurable disease. Diabetes is a completely preventable and curable disease. Through active treatment, patients can live normal lives and enjoy the life expectancy of healthy people.
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