The design of high-density and high-performance memory chips often leads to new reliability issues; for example, the problem of alpha particles in high-density RAM and CCD chips is a good example. Soft errors caused by alpha particles can be associated with existing Hard errors are linked together to create double dislocations that can not be corrected using conventional single-error correction double-error detection codes. This paper presents a complete system approach, which based on error correction code and system maintenance strategy will reduce the system-level failure of main memory, the effect just as the problem of α particles did not produce the same. The design of this system solution is compatible with most existing memory designs, thus minimizing the additional cost of implementing this approach. The approach described in this article detects a hard and a soft error using the ability of a single error correction double-error detection code, and then uses a microcode and hardware algorithm to correct both the hard and soft errors. This article also includes the analysis and simulation results of this method as well as the comparison with other techniques.