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目的探讨2009年-2013年嘉兴地区无偿献血者梅毒感染的流行病学特征。方法回顾性分析无偿献血者血样的ELISA-TP和TPPA检测结果,对不同年份、性别、年龄、血型、学历、职业的梅毒阳性献血者进行分析。结果210 186位无偿献血者中,检出梅毒阳性858例,阳性率为0.41%。不同年份、性别、年龄、血型、学历、职业间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。梅毒阳性率男性(58.7%)高于女性(41.3%);血型中以A型感染者偏多;年龄以31岁~55岁居多;学历以初中和高中为主体;职业中以服务业和自由职业者为主要易感人群;随着S/CO值提高,初筛梅毒阳性的确认阳性结果就越高,差异有统计学意义(χ2=228.69,P<0.01)。结论嘉兴地区无偿献血人群中梅毒感染率处中度流行,呈逐年增长趋势;应加大对易感人群的教育和筛选,从低危人群中招募血源,减少梅毒经血传播。 Objective To explore the epidemiological characteristics of syphilis infection in unpaid blood donors in Jiaxing from 2009 to 2013. Methods Retrospective analysis of the blood samples of unpaid blood donors by ELISA-TP and TPPA test results, different years, gender, age, blood type, education, occupational syphilis positive blood donors were analyzed. Results Among 210 186 blood donors, 858 were positive for syphilis, the positive rate was 0.41%. Different years, gender, age, blood type, education, occupational differences were statistically significant (P <0.05). The positive rate of syphilis was higher in males than females (58.7%) than in females (41.3%); type A was predominant in blood type; the age ranged from 31 to 55 years old; the educational level was mainly junior middle school and high school; Occupational as the main susceptible population. With the increase of S / CO value, the positive result of positive screening of syphilis was higher, the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 228.69, P <0.01). Conclusions Syphilis infection prevalence in the blood donors in Jiaxing area is moderately prevailing and shows an increasing trend year by year. Efforts should be made to educate and screen susceptible populations and to recruit blood from low-risk groups to reduce the spread of syphilis.
本文报道了PCM-1型潜热蓄热增温器的工作原理、构造、相变蓄热材料及蓄热包的工作特性;同时介绍了它在农用太阳能温室中实际使用效果。 This paper reports the working pri
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