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  Magpies: Over 20,000 Photos in 71 Days
  By Fu Tongxian
  On October 30, 2012, we amateur photographers met to do field work in Gongshu, a district in the north of downtown Hangzhou. To our surprise and delight, we each received a copy of a photograph album created by Xu Ming, the former CPC secretary of Gongshu District. Entitled “Magpies in Front of My Window”, the album presents 329 photos, out of over 20,000 taken in 71 days in 2010, of a couple of adult magpies building a nest, laying eggs, breeding five baby magpies, baby magpies growing up, the family moving away.   Interested in painting magpies myself, I was overjoyed by the amazing photographs. Three days later, I visited the photographer to find out how he had spent 71 days photographing the magpies nesting on the balcony of his apartment on the fifteenth floor of an apartment building on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which traverses the downtown Hangzhou.
  On March 2, 2010, Xu Ming found two magpies come to the flower racket on the balcony. An experienced enthusiast of photography, he realized that the magpies were a godsend for him to photograph, as in the Chinese culture, magpies are birds of happiness, luck, pleasure. He considered the birds as happiness coming from heaven.
  As magpies usually build their nests high in trees or on the top of power towers, Xu Ming found it quite unusual that the couple came to his balcony. The avian guests thrilled him. He decided to photograph the birds on the balcony. To minimize disturbance, he decided not to use the balcony and the study that leads to the balcony as long as the birds stayed there. The large pane of the window between the balcony and the study was removed so that his cameras would have a clearer look at the birds. He set up a camera and a camcorder to record the whole reproduction process. Set on the automatic mode and with a wide-angle lens, the camera took a photograph every minute during daytime. In addition, he used another camera to capture good moments when he had time to watch.
  The photographs tell the story of the magpies building a nest. It took the birds 20 days to finish the building project. In the first few days, the nest looked sketchy; after five days, it looked fleshed out. After ten days, it looked entangled. After twenty days, the nest looked like the National Stadium in Beijing, nicknamed the Bird Nest and especially built for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
  On March 21, the first egg appeared in the nest. In the following five days, another four eggs appeared. The would-be mother sat and the would-be father watched and guarded the nest. The female moved the eggs now and then.
  On April 11, the first two baby magpies came out. The next day saw another two babies hatched. On April 13, the last one came. The family of two became a family of seven.
  On April 29, the chicks began to learn how to fly, with their parents watching anxiously. On the 71st day, the parents and babies all flew away. They did not come back.
  The complete record of the 71 days and nights of the magpies contains a lot of surprises for scientists too. The photos show how the magpies tore the eggshells to pieces and ate them, how the adult magpies took the food remains out of the baby magpies’ beaks. On May 8, the adult magpies picked some paper confetti from the lawn fifty meters below the balcony and brought colorful shreds to the nest. The baby magpies were happy to play with them, treating the paper as toys.
  Chen Shuihua, a bird expert with Zhejiang Natural Museum, was delighted to review the photographic record, which he says opened his eyes to some unknown behavior of magpies.
  Xu Ming was thrilled to have the whole collection of the photographs. He selected five out of his precious collection and sent them to the National Photography Art Exhibition. The photos were highly appreciated at the national event.
  In November 2011, Xu selected 329 photographs out of the over 20,000 pieces, chronically arranged to reflect the amazing life of the magpies over the 71 days and nights on the balcony. The album was published by China Photography Press. The album has received rave reviews. After learning about the collection, China Fine Art Press offered Xu Ming a contract to publish another collection. This time, the collection is supposed to give art a special angle.
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