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  A Selection of Articles
  Published Date: 2012.04
  Retail Price: ?38.00
  A great many books about the reading selections have been compiled in the history of China, and one of the purposes of such a compilation is to advocate a style of writing and an interest. A Selection of Articles also has such a function; the writing style advocated by this book is concise, clean, unmistakable, smooth and interesting. Based on these criteria, A Selection of Articles has compiled some of the articles that can mostly reflect this style of writing of the ancient time and since the May 4 Movement. Core readers: university students, graduate candidates, high schools students, civil servants and employees of all walks of life.
  The biography of Wu Mengchao
  Published Date: 2012.02
  Retail Price: ?38.00
  With 310 000 words and over 30 rare historical photos, this book vividly reproduces the complete state of Wu Mengchao’s work and life, and reflects his noble and moral quality that loves both the Party and the country, and his spirit of scaling new heights through thick and thin.
  The Complete Works of Lei Feng
  Published Date: 2012.01
  Retail Price: ?26.00
  In the past over half a century, the spirit of Lei Feng has educated one generation from another. The publishing of this book at the 45th anniversary of Lei Feng’s sacrifice is more meaningful. The book embodies Lei Feng’s diaries, headnotes, poetry, fiction, prose, articles, speeches, letters and words of advice, some of which have never published previously. Although Lei Feng has sacrificed his life, learning from his spirit is quite significant throughout China or even the world.
  Record of the Nation Building: Unofficial Biography of Mao Zedong (four volumes)
  Published Date: 2012.05
  Retail Price: ?160.00
  Record of the Nation Building: Unofficial Biography of Mao Zedong provides a detailed account of what Mao Zedong has done during the period of 1921 when the Communist Party was founded to 1949 when the People’s Republic of China was established. By narrating some of his significant revolutionary practices together with some trivial issues, this book sings of the contribution of Mao Zedong to Chinese revolution and his noble quality, focusing on his outstanding personal charm. In addition, this book provides clarification and explanation of some incorrect historical facts and statements that prevail currently.
  Old Diaries of the Republic of China Series   From South of the River to Northeast China--- Diaries ‘Lost’ by Junior Officers of the Nationalist Party
  Published Date: 2012.06
  Retail Price: ?25.00
  This book mainly selects the diaries of 10 junior officers of the Nationalist Party written during the years between 1946 and 1948. Although they neither brim with literary grace nor use flowery language, these diaries reflect the true, complicated and enriched humanity between the lines. They not only represent junior officers’ hatred of civil war, but also show their doubts and confusion about their own future. However, with bounden duties as army men, they cannot rid themselves of the whirlpool of the civil war, which ultimately leads to the tragedy of their life, especially the tragedy of that era.
  Diaries of the Headmaster of a Primary School
  Published Date: 2012.06
  Retail Price: ?30.00
  This book compiles the diaries written by the author during the period after he took up the post of headmaster of the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to Donghai Secondary School in March 1929. It provides a detailed description of the author’s efforts within a number of months after his arrival, which enables us to develop an understanding of the primary education of the Republic of China and is a significant reference for today’s primary education.
  All under Heaven is Equal: Biography of Sun Yat-sen
  Published Date: 2011.09
  Retail Price: ?36.80
  This book is specially revised and redesigned for the observation of the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 and the 145th birthday Mr. Sun Yat-sen. With 190 000 words and more than 130 rare historic photos, the book reproduces vividly the whole life of Mr. Sun Yat-sen who had great ambitions and fought repeatedly after suffering repeated defeats, as well as his colorful emotional feelings. In this revision, the author absorbs in full the latest materials and research results about Mr. Sun Yat-sen both at home and abroad in recent years, supplements and corrects the contents and wording in a comprehensively manner, and adds scores of clearer rare historic photos, so that the book is more readable and has much value as historical records, hence is a popular reader about Mr. Sun Yat-sen’s ideas, achievements and emotional feelings.
  The Biography of Lu Xun: Humiliation of Kuai Ji
  ——One of the Suffering-Soul Trilogy
  Published Date: 2012.01
  Retail Price: ?35.00
  It is called “the first historical novel taking Lu Xun as the subject matter in China”. With the mellow, delicate and sad writing style, this book makes a panoramic and artistic reproduction of the social life of late Qing Dynasty, folk customs of Shaoxing and the decline of Lu Xun’s old family, displays young Lu Xun’s spiritual process during which he has come to look clearly at the real features of both history and people when his family declines from prosperity to straitened circumstances, and reveals the era and personal causes for the shaping of Lu Xun as a national “suffering soul”.   Author:Zhang Mengyang, researcher of the Institute of Literature of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, deputy director of China Society for the Study of Lu Xun.
  People of Superior Talents from Peking University
  People of Superior Talents from Tsinghua University
  Published Date: 2012.04
  Retail Price: ?34.80
  People of Superior Talents from Peking and Tsinghua University introduces 14 master-level people graduated from Peking University, one of the highest seats of learning in China, which gives a panorama description of their respective character, individuality, learning, emotion and destiny etc. In a style of either commendation or impeachment and narration with comments, for the purpose of making the person full-blown and true to life, with the essence of life shown in the writing. The courage and insight as well as brilliance of mind of the preceding masters will leave an enduring impress on the readers.
  Vicissitudes of the Himalayas
  Published Date: 2012.05
  Retail Price: ?58.00
  This book reflects the long history and glorious patriotic tradition of Tibetan ethnic group, objectively describes the whole processes of all the battles fought in Tibet during the over 300 years from the Reign of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty through till 1961. By quoting substantial materials, the author has made a detailed analysis of the causes, processes and consequences of all the events, focusing on the splendid process that under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party, the people’s liberation army entered into Tibet, and together with local personnel, united and led the Tibetan people to liberate Tibet peacefully, maintained the national unity and built Tibet.
  Tibetan People and Their Stories in the 20th Century
  Published Date: 2011.06
  Retail Price: ?36.00
  Tibet Autonomous Region is a province-level region of P.R.China. With 250,000 Chinese Characters and 200 photos, this book tells us the history of Tibet in a period of around 100 years (1904 to now) by use of 40 important stories and events, such as anti-British war, the thirteenth Dalai Lama etc., which is different from other history books. The book is called the concise history of Tibet, and the most beautiful historical book of Tibet.
  Kinmen Elegy: a History from the Lips of a Veteran from Taiwan Once Engaged in War
  Published Date: 2012.01
  Retail Price: ?28.00
  This is not a fictional work, but a real historic record from the lips of a survivor of the Kinmen war of landing who is still living in Taiwan and whom the author has interviewed several times. On October 24, 1949, more than 9 000 PLA officers and men from the Tenth Regiment of the Third Field Army set sail to cross the sea and attack Kinmen Island in the darkness. They hit the beach and fought hard for three days, and ultimately all shed their blood at Kinmen tragically. Zhao Baohou was personally engaged in Kinmen war of landing. It turns out that he was captured in Kinmen and experienced a legendary life in Kinmen and Taiwan for over 60 years.   Bleeding Altar: Truth and Question of the Death of 14 Ancient Generals
  Published Date: 2012.01
  Retail Price: ?32.00
  Taking the end of life of famous generals in ancient China as the point of penetration, this book, using the literature type of historic essays, describes the individual history of life of well-known military people in ancient China, analyzes their tragic destinies, and provokes the in-depth repudiation of the absolute power of political regime under the patriarchal clan system and independent thinking over the Chinese history and culture. The book discards the common set pattern of “citing the history to talk about history” and makes a breakthrough of the style and appearance of the works.
  Mottos of Modern Chinese (I)
  Published Date: 2011.09
  Retail Price: ?18.00
  This book can be rated as a collection of fine quotations about officialdom. It is not only the rules of conduct and doctrines of officialdom summarized by senior officials on the basis of their services after leaving their offices, but also their voice of conscience and true feelings formed by talking about their daily life and evaluating their merits and demerits. Since its publishing, the book has drawn great attention from the publishing world in the United States, Korea and Taiwan.
  Author: Left Hand, engaged in a department of CPC central government.
  Illustrator: Right Hand, cartoonist, who’s Suicide Rabbit has a wide influence in China. It has been reported by The Washington Post.
  Steve Jobs Quotes (bilingual collective edition)
  Published Date: 2011.12
  Retail Price: ?20.00
  God has given mankind three apples: One was picked by Eve, so mankind found the lust; another fell onto Newton’s head so mankind believed in science; the last one was bitten by Jobs, so mankind gave lust to science. With a unique perspective, this book, on the basis of Jobs’ public speeches, weaves the materials by focusing on the life orbit of Jobs so as to present a real Jobs before the readers. All the selected materials are bilingual, both truthful and powerful. While reading his quotes, readers are able to appreciate the words spoken by Jobs at different times.
  Wisdom of Management
  Published Date: 2011.12
  Retail Price: ?20.00
  From the perspective of business management, and combined with his own experience in this regard, the author has carefully chosen 100 quotes, which, being brief and to the point, serious and philosophical, offer profound inspiration to the readers, especially to the business managers. This book elaborates the connotation of management from multiple points of view and is highly adaptable in practical work. Each of the quotes has a picture photographed by the author, presenting a lively and novel form and filled with dynamic and vigor.   Quotations from Jian Xing Tang
  Published Date: 2012.10
  Retail Price: ?28.00
  Quotations from Jian Xing Tang is a series of comics drawn by Xianshu, a novice Buddhist monk from Longquan Temple of Beijing, in accordance with the random Buddhist teaching given by Master Xue Cheng to his followers, which addresses the exploration of the value and significance of life, solutions to living problems and common Buddhist doctrines etc. With keen words awakening to truth, this book is incisive and humorous, inspiring and mind broadening.
  The Biography of Master Xuanzang: Ci'en Temple of Tang Dynasty
  Published Date: 2011.10
  Retail Price: ?48.00
  This book is originally written by Master Huili of Tang Dynasty; Translated by Zhao Xiaoying. Tang Dynasty is at the peak of prosperous ancient civilization of China, and the most glorious era of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries. It is right during this period that Xuanzang, the eminent monk of Tang Dynasty, acts as a significant messenger to facilitate the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultures and revival of Buddhist civilization in the Orient. In order to“remove the forged scriptures and seek for the real ones, Xuanzang set out westward on his own to seek Buddhist learning. On his way, he has gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties, suffered hunger and cold, crossed the desert and snow mountains, and fought against the brigands and thieves, surviving after many hazards. With his own feet, he has created a cultural path to the whole territory of India via western regions of China and Persia (today’s Iran).
  A Monk’s Blog
  Published Date: 2012.01
  Retail Price: ?38.00
  Master Xue Cheng, the abbot of Longquan Monastery, has been exploring how to integrate Buddhist culture with modern society and how to use modern high-tech means in the spread of Buddhist culture, thus making more believers quickly share the wisdom and happiness of Buddha dharma. In February 2006, he opened his personal blog as an interactive platform for monks and laymen. The blog truly record the study and practice life of the master and his disciples, pass his care and kindness on to the world, and contain the master’s desire and power to promote and develop Buddha dharma.
  Realizing the Truth of Private Life: Artful Settlement of 300 Problems by Monastic Yin Shun
  Published Date: 2012.02
  Retail Price: ?28.00
  This book extracts 300 tips of daily life from grass-root residents, or 300 ways to make life easier, so as to release the public from household cares so that they may have more time to enjoy life, or to make the household work a kind of joy. 300 tips of daily life from the public is like a magic cube that helps settle the problems and overcome troubles of life and make a small step forward towards the successful life. The successful human life is often the assembly of hundreds and thousands of details. Can these successful details be reproduced? This is also one of the propositions to be addressed in this book.   Moment in Taiwan
  Published Date: 2012.01
  Retail Price: ?28.00
  This book compiles a series of blogs written by the author during his stay in Taiwan as a visiting scholar, which have ever caused the readers on both sides of Taiwan Straits to read, discuss and review favorably. The unique and penetrating perspective and relaxed and humorous tone, in combination with the hot spot of free culture tour, have endowed the book with fashionable heat, scholarly depth and cultural thickness.
  The Bust of a Lady by the Seine
  Published Date: 2012.05
  Retail Price:?30.00
  Written by Tong Daoming, well-known Russian translator and drama critic. This book consists of 5 dramas created by Mr. Tong Daoming since 2008, including The Bust of a Lady by the Seine, I am a Seagull, The Melancholy in Autumn, Where Does the Singing Voice Come From, When You Look Back. His dramas contribute to the presentation of spiritual self-purification and redemption of modern Chinese people, in contrast with the current fast-food dramas that are flippant and tawdry.
  The North Coast
  Published Date: 2012.02
  Retail Price:?23.50
  This is the collection of poems by a drifter far away from home. In the desired spring days, with the emotion and courage of an old youth, the author sincerely tells his blue home-memory, slight sadness and easy thoughts. This collection is supposed to help look into your own heart and find the way home.
  Author:Weng Tuanwei, poet, the Chairman of The United Trends.
  Lunar Halo
  Published Date: 2011.12
  Retail Price: ?39.00
  Where is the way out after graduation from the university? A city has stood there for about a thousand year, but reproduces the pathos and confused feeling in the chaos of the Abandoned Castle. A university, swaying in the storm, utters the blurred sound in the slanting rays of the sun of the Water of Blue Waves. In the ancient imperial city, the former well-known Tiandu Normal University has just welcome its new principal He Luoyi, who saw her students performing seductively in the place of amusement before she took her office. From then on, a variety of mysteries crowded in. When He Luoyi finally entered into the students’ life and truly understood the challenges facing the school, there was no turning back.
  Legend of Li Gang
  Published Date: 2012.04
  Retail Price:?42.80
  Li Gang was the prime minister in Song Dynasty. He was granted with great power by Emperors Huizong, Qinzong and Gaozong of Song Dynasty successively, but disgraced repeatedly for his integrity and frank advice; he was even once demoted to Hainan Island, whereby the idiom of “stage a comeback” is derived. He appointed Yue Fei to fight against the Jin intruders and sent his son to the battle until he died there. The book embodies full and accurate historical materials with distinguished contents, hence is a treasure of readable property and of great value of research on the historical changes of Song Dynasty.   Anecdotes of the Peony Pavilion
  Published Date: 2012.01
  Retail Price: ?32.00
  The long-length novel, Anecdotes of the Peony Pavilion, in a style of joking on the basis of official history, unofficial records, notes and genealogy, fabricates the stories of Tang Xianzu’s acquaintance, confidant and company with and separation from Feng Xiaoqing, Yu Erniang, Shang Xiaoling and Jin Fengdian respectively. Each of the stories can be a medium-length novel, which is both stimulating and readable. This book is made up of four basic stories entitled as Pursuit for Soulmate, Tears of Beauty, Heart-broken Herb, Cries of Compliant, highlighting the novelty, emotion, reason and interest.
  Selected Steles of Previous Dynasties of China
  Published Date: 2012.02
  Retail Price: ?120.00
  Stele in the Jiucheng Palace
  Imperial Guards Stele
  Stele of Danba
  Record of Three Gates
  Stele of Duobao Pagoda
  Stele of Zhang Menglong
  Preface for Sacred Religion at Wild Goose Pagoda
  Stele of Yan Qinli
  Stele of Xuanmi Pagoda
  Thousand Character Classic by Zhi Yong
  The Tao of Chinese Calligraphy
  Published Date: 2012.05
  Retail Price: ?39.80
  Chinese calligraphy is not merely a matter of styles and techniques, but a supreme manifestation of the essence of Chinese culture. That is the Tao of Chinese calligraphy. This book traces the evolution of Chinese characters in simple language. It avoids the convention of focusing exclusively on the technique of calligraphy. The author deciphers the cultural meanings of Chinese calligraphy and compares Chinese calligraphy as a manifestation of Tao with Chinese calligraphy as a practice and as an art. Revealing the origin of the Tao of Chinese calligraphy, this book arouses people’s interest in the study and promotion of it. Moreover, the book examines China’s handwriting culture from a global perspective and explores ways of revitalizing the Tao of Chinese calligraphy.
  Chinese Calligraphy (Grade Three to Grade Six)
  Published Date: 2011.05
  Retail Price: ?56.00
  Under the general editorship of Ouyang Zhongshi, this book is an experimental teaching material suitable for the calligraphy class of primary students, compiled by the writing group composed of leading experts from the College of Calligraphic Art of Capital Normal University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University and the circles of education and calligraphy in our country. The teaching material is in line with the regulatory requirements for primary students to learn calligraphy covering quite a broad content.
  Author:Ouyang Zhongshi, famous scholar, calligrapher, calligraphy professor of China, consultant of Chinese Calligraphers Association.
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