结合当代青年思想实际 加强青年思想政治教育的针对性

来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenbenxia
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思想政治教育是坚持党对青年领导的根本性、基础性工作,是增强青年凝聚力的重要保证。广大青年的健康成才,关系到社会主义现代化事业的兴旺发达,关系到中华民族的伟大复兴。随着市场经济的建立和运行,青年的思想出现了日趋多元性的特点。因此,紧密结合广大青年的思想特点,切实增强思想政治工作的针对性和实效性就显得尤为重要。无锡市第三人民医院团委副书记孙晶,结合近几年党群工作中落实思想政治教育的实际,从青年学生的思想特点出发,阐述了思想政治教育指导思想、教育内容选择、教育形式和思想政治教育整体效能的针对性、实效性问题,对于新时期加强和改进青年思想政治教育有一定启示意义。——编者 Ideological and political education is an essential and basic guarantee for upholding the party’s leadership over youth and is an important guarantee for strengthening the cohesion of young people. The healthy development of the vast number of young people is related to the prosperity and development of the cause of socialist modernization and to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. With the establishment and operation of the market economy, the thinking of the youth has become more and more diverse. Therefore, it is especially important to closely integrate the ideological and political features of the vast number of young people and earnestly enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political work. Sun Jing, deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League of the Third People’s Hospital of Wuxi City, combined with the reality of implementing the ideological and political education in the party work in recent years, elaborates the guiding ideology and ideology and political education, the choice of educational content, the forms of education and The pertinence and effectiveness of the overall effectiveness of the ideological and political education have some enlightenment on strengthening and improving the youth ideological and political education in the new era. --editor
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小姨倒潇洒,跑到大连去开什么会,把坏坏丢给我,让我给她打工当保姆,也不怕我把她小孩卖掉!哼——坏坏是我的大头表弟,别看他只有7岁,却坏得够水平! Xiao Li was very smart
神奇美丽的大自然让我们的野营充满了乐趣。在享受这份欢乐的时候,我们也要学会保护大自然。想知道你是不是一个合格的保护自然小卫士吗?做做下面的题目就知道了。 Magical