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我国党和政府对人口老龄化问题非常重视。江泽民总书记曾经指出:“老龄化问题越来越成为一个重要的社会问题,我们要予以重视。希望各级党委和政府要加强对老龄工作的领导,切实做好这项工作。”并在党的十五大的报告中响亮提出:“控制人口增长,提高人口素质,重视人口老龄化问题。”中国老龄协会确定了我国面向21世纪解决老龄问题的基本思路,这就是:从中国国 Our party and government attach great importance to the issue of population aging. General Secretary Jiang Zemin once pointed out: “The issue of aging has increasingly become an important social issue. We must pay attention to it. We hope that Party committees and governments at all levels must strengthen leadership over work on ageing and do a good job of this work.” The report of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China screamed: “Control population growth, improve the quality of the population, and pay attention to the issue of population aging.” The China Association for the Aging identified the basic ideas for addressing the issue of aging in the 21st century. This is: From China
Three kinds of polysaccharides:GFW,GFH and GFA,were sequentially extracted from a red alga Gloiopeltis furcatawith 25℃and 85℃water,and 60℃ 4%NaOHwater soluti
素质教育的核心是要培养学生的创造力 ,而这种创造力的取得 ,不仅需要基础理论知识 ,还需激发学生的兴趣和动手欲望 ,清除那些干扰和抑制学生动手的不利因素。在这项艰巨而复
如果是由我来提供一篇“三角形的内角和”课例的话 ,我相信多数读者都很难耐着性子将其读完 (资料上见得多了 ) .但是 ,东江老师提供的课例 ,一如既往总是富于情节 .除非你根
Vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic pathogen widely distributed in estuarine and coastal seawaters.In this study,a culture-free method was developed to rapid
为落实第七轮中美战略与经济对话——工业锅炉合作项目成果,中国特种设备检测研究院节能技术中心相关技术人员和美国能源部专家Glenn T.Cunningham博士和美国伯克利实验室高
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Haliotis diversicolor Reeve is one of the most important mollusks cultured in South China. Preliminary genetic linkage maps were constructed with amplified frag