近年来,由于早春小拱棚胡萝卜品质好,市场销路广,经济效益高,深受广大农民朋友喜爱,面积逐年扩大,一般单产4000kg/667m~2以上。其栽培技术简便易学。 1.选地整地。选择通透性好的沙壤土种植。土壤耕作前要施足基肥,一般每667m~2施圈肥4000~5000公斤,同时施用过磷酸钙或磷酸二铵20~25公斤、硫酸钾25~30公斤,或施用撒可富30~40公斤。施肥后撒匀充分耕翻,把肥料翻入土中,耕深25厘米。
In recent years, due to the good quality of carrot in small shed in early spring, the market is widely sold and the economic benefit is high. It is deeply loved by farmers and peasants. The area is expanding year by year, and the yield is generally 4000kg / 667m ~ 2. Its cultivation technology is easy to learn. 1. Select site preparation. Choose a good permeability of sandy loam planting. Fertilizers should be applied to the soil before planting. Generally, 4000-5000 kg of fertilizer should be applied every 667m ~ 2 while 20 ~ 25kg of superphosphate or diammonium phosphate, 25 ~ 30kg of potassium sulfate or 30 ~ 40kg of saracafen . Sprinkle evenly after fertilization, turn the fertilizer into the soil, cultivating depth of 25 cm.