
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyalil
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全国贫困县之一的武邑县,经过三年的艰苦奋战,1996年终于甩掉了贫困县的帽子,全县农民人均纯收入达到了1500元,其中乡镇企业收入占30%。县长何同恩高兴地告诉记者:“我们实现了脱贫目标,得益于发展乡镇企业,是乡镇企业为武邑经济的发展做出了巨大贡献,根据‘九五’规划,到98年,我们实现富民强县,提前一年达到‘小康县’的目标,乡镇企业仍然是我们的巨大依托和保证。所以我们县政府‘一班人’经过反复讨论,进一步提高了认识,统一了思想,抓好乡镇企业的信心和决心更加坚定。”在谈到武邑县今后发展乡镇企业的主要举措时,何县长联系县情,胸有成竹地说,我们正着力在以下十个方面实施突破。一、在建设立县立乡项目上搞突破。我们确定销售收入2000万元以上,利税在200万元以上为立县项目;销售收入在1000万元以上,利税在100万元以上为立乡项目。到今年底,全县立乡立县项目 Wuyi County, one of the impoverished counties in the country, after three years of hard work, in 1996 finally got rid of the hats of the poor counties, the county’s per capita net income of farmers reached 1,500 yuan, of which the income of township enterprises accounted for 30%. He Tongen, the county governor, told reporters happily: “We have achieved the goal of poverty alleviation and benefited from the development of township and township enterprises. Township enterprises have made great contributions to the economic development of Wushu. According to the ’Ninth Five Year Plan’, by 1998, we To realize the goal of making Fumin County strong and achieve the goal of ’Xiaokang County’ one year in advance, the township and village enterprises are still our huge support and guarantee. Therefore, our county government’s ’group of people’ has repeatedly discussed and further raised awareness, unified thinking, and The confidence and determination of the good township enterprises have become firmer.”When referring to the main measures for the development of township enterprises in Wuyi County in the future, He County contacted the county and said with complete confidence that we are making efforts to implement breakthroughs in the following ten areas. First, we must make breakthroughs in building a county-building project. We have determined that sales revenue will be more than 20 million yuan, profits and taxes will be more than 2 million yuan for Li County projects, sales revenue will be more than 10 million yuan, and profits and taxes will be more than 1 million yuan for Lixiang projects. By the end of this year, the county-level county project
杰基尔(童年):妈妈,身子我已经画好了,现在,应该给他画上灵魂了。妈妈,人的 灵魂在什么地方呢? ——电影《化身博士》 记得几年前,我刚刚上高中一年级。一次,英语老师在晚自