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金啟祥醫生去年二月收到了一封病人的來信,信中寫道:‘由於您的高超醫療技術,使我的像花臉鬼一樣怕人的外觀得到了改變,恢復了本來的面貌,獲得了生活的樂趣?盅Y行間,流露出對醫生的感激之情。金啟祥是江蘇省南京鐵道醫學院醫學科學研究所白癜風研究室的主任。來信的這位病人是他十四年來診治過的一萬五千名白癜風患者中的一個。由於他運用中西醫結合的方法治療白癜風取得了超越前人的成就,他的名字於一九八四年被收錄進《中國當代醫學家薈萃》一書中。 Dr. Kim Kai-cheung received a letter from a patient in February last year and wrote: ’Because of your superb medical skills, my appearance as a scary face has changed, my face has been restored, my life has been acquired Fun? 盅 cup Y line, showing the gratitude of the doctor. Jin Qixiang is the director of Vitiligo Laboratory of Medical Science Institute of Nanjing Railway Medical College in Jiangsu Province. The patient who wrote the letter is one of 15,000 vitiligo patients he has treated in over 14 years. Since his use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat vitiligo has made more achievements than his predecessors, his name was enrolled in 1984, “Chinese contemporary medical scientists meta” a book.
To understand the non-equilibrium morphological adjustment of a river in response to environmental changes,it is essential to(i)accurately identify how past con