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从上世纪80年代开始,我国对电力体制进行了一系列循序渐进和探索性的改革,2002年朝着市场化改革方向迈出了实质性步伐,初步形成了“厂网分开”的竞争格局。但是,由于体制和认识等诸多原因,之后的电力体制改革进展缓慢。如何解决电力产业长远发展的一系列深层次矛盾和问题,进一步提高电力产业的资源配置效率,实现电力与经济、社会的可持续发展目标,已经成为一项十分紧迫的课题。一、电力体制改革的目标早期世界各国的电力体制,主要实行的是发、输、配、售垂直一体化的经营模式。随着经济发展、电力技术进步和市场需求变化,垂直一体化的垄断经营模式越来越暴露出它的弊端:竞争活力缺乏,经营效率低下,电力投资不足,电力价格垄断。随着对铁路、民航、电信、天然气等自然垄 Since the 1980s, China has carried out a series of gradual and exploratory reforms on the electric power system. In 2002, China took a substantial step towards marketization reform and initially formed a competitive pattern of “separation of power plants and power plants” . However, due to many reasons, such as system and understanding, the power system reform has been slow. How to solve a series of deep-seated contradictions and problems in the long-term development of the power industry, and to further improve the efficiency of resource allocation in the power industry and realize the goal of sustainable development of power, economy and society has become a very urgent issue. I. Objectives of the Electric Power System Reform The power systems of various countries in the early world mainly implemented the vertically integrated business model of sending, losing, allocating and selling goods. With economic development, technological progress in power and changes in market demand, the vertically integrated monopolistic management model more and more exposes its drawbacks: lack of competitive vitality, inefficient operation, insufficient power investment and monopoly of power prices. With the railway, civil aviation, telecommunications, natural gas and other natural ridge
患者男,50岁,住院号32321,1980年5月22日入院。患者曾于5月19日午后3时,因残冠要求拔出,2%普鲁卡因3毫升,采用5号1 1/3时针行左侧下颌传导麻醉,刺入点为翼下颌 Male patient
前人早就认识伤口能被血块堵住,从而防止继续出血;又同时发现血液本身又有阻止血液凝固的自然系统。1953年 Fearnley和 Tweed 氏证明静息状态病人血液中存在着一些纤维蛋白
豹子(给画家何多苓)□钟鸣Viens-tuducielprofondousors-tudel'abime,OBeauté?tonregard,infernaletdivin,①在中国的类书中,很少有提到豹子的。一般是在老虎的辞条后附加一条,以表明这种... Leopard (to the artist He Duoling) □ Zhong Ming Viens-tudu
在寸土寸金的现代社会,利用有限空间创造最大使用效益,是空间规划的真谛。 现今的室内结构,由于传统制式方正格局的影响,空间总是免不了过多的梁柱与直角,居室也就不免显得