
来源 :中国电大教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pomerku
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广播电视大学与高等教育自学考试是适合中国国情的两种新型教育形式.在为社会主义建设服务,培养适应当地需要的经济建设和社会发展急需人才方面,各自发挥了特点与优势,都取得了很大成绩,促进了我国高等教育事业的发展.根据国家教委颁布的《广播电视大学暂行规定》.广播电视大学的主要任务是举办以高等专科教育为主的学历教育,同时为高等教育自学考试及社会各界的职业技术教育、岗位培训、专业培训、继续教育提供教学服务.广播电视大学经过十三年的努力,已经初步建立起以教学为中心.以教材建设为重点的教学、科研、社会服务相结合的工作运行机制和按需办学的机制,为我国改革开放以来的经济发展及社会建设培养了大批合格人才,作出了重大贡献.十三年来全国电大已毕 Radio and TV universities and self-study examinations for higher education are two new forms of education that are suitable for China’s national conditions and both have their own characteristics and advantages in serving the socialist construction and fostering talents in urgent need of economic development and social development that suit local needs. Great achievements, and promote the development of higher education in our country.According to the “Provisional Regulations of Radio and Television University” promulgated by the State Education Commission, the main task of radio and television universities is to hold academic education mainly on higher specialized education and to provide higher education self-study examinations And vocational and technical education, job training, professional training and continuing education in all walks of life to provide teaching service.Unified by the efforts of 13 years, the radio and television university has initially set up a teaching-centered system with emphasis on teaching materials, research, and society Service combination of the working mechanism and on-demand school mechanism for our country since the reform and opening up the economic development and social development trained a large number of qualified personnel, made a significant contribution to the National TV University over the past 13 years has been completed
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