
来源 :兰州教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anchor1989
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北川羌族自治县灾后重建工作基本完成,但羌族文化艺术的保护与传承相对物质重建而言更为隐性,难以用精确的标准来衡量。本文在实地调研的基础上,了解当下羌族文化艺术保护与传承情况,并考察灾后民族文化艺术的融合与转型过程,从而对北川羌族自治县羌族文化艺术保护与传承做出进一步的思考。 Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County post-disaster reconstruction basically completed, but the protection of cultural and artistic heritage of Qiang and heritage in terms of relative material reconstruction is more hidden, it is difficult to use precise criteria to measure. Based on the field investigation, this article understands the current situation of the protection and inheritance of the Qiang culture and art and examines the integration and transformation process of the national culture and arts after the disaster so as to make further consideration on the protection and inheritance of the Qiang culture and art in the Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County.
By the two-scale homogenization approach we justify a two-scale model of ion transport through a layered membrane, with flows being driven by a pressure gradien
Closed-form and asymptotic solutions are derived for the steady, fully-developed hydromagnetic free and forced convection flow in a rotating horizontal parallel
农业机械设备的技术改造是目前比较重要的课题,在国家的大力推动下,进行技术改造成为乡村振兴战略中的 重要部分。本文针对技术改造进行分析,提出了技术改造实际就是要研究更
A red-pigmented bacterial strain NS-17 was isolated from soil, and physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA analysis established this organism