
来源 :控制理论与应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuyuetian530
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本文通过在指标函数中引入加权多项式,为由脉冲响应模型描述的系统提出一种基于多步预测的极点配置自校正控制器,这种控制器能确保控制系统的稳定性,并能消除控制系统的稳态误差,算法的计算量也比其它的预测控制算法如MAC,GPC等小。 In this paper, by introducing a weighted polynomial into the index function, a pole configuration self-tuning controller based on multi-step prediction is proposed for the system described by impulse response model. This controller can ensure the stability of the control system and eliminate the control system Of the steady-state error, the calculation of the algorithm than other predictive control algorithms such as MAC, GPC and so small.
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