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清明时节,我和朋友去泾县参观新四军军部旧址。泾县,震惊中外的皖南事变发生地,现代中国革命史惊天惨案,既昭示了国民党反动的本质,又警醒了当时对国民党抱有幻想的善良人们。泾县的城边有条大河,叫青弋江,河水静静流淌,河中泊着小船,水边妇女洗衣,河滩水牛吃草。远处,连绵群山,水中黛色。我们先到城郊新四军革命烈士陵园。进入大门,迎面是皖南事变烈士陵园的碑刻,上台阶,左侧是皖南事变雕塑,右侧通向烈士陵园台阶,过台阶则是纪念广场。环顾圆形广场,四周伫立九根高低不一的石柱,其 During the Ching Ming Festival, my friend and I went to Jingjing County to visit the site of the New Fourth Army. Jing County, which shocked both China and foreign countries in the wake of the Southern Anhui Incident, and the horrific massacre of the revolutionary history of modern China, not only made clear the essence of the Kuomintang’s reactionary reaction but also aroused the good people who had fantasies about the Kuomintang at the time. Jing County has a large river, called Qingyi, the river flows quietly, the river berthing boats, waterfront women’s laundry, riverbank buffalo grazing. Afar, rolling hills, water Dai color. We first went to the suburbs New Fourth Army revolutionary martyrs cemetery. Into the door, on the face of the Southern Anhui Incident martyrs cemetery inscriptions, on the steps, the left is the Southern Anhui Incident sculpture, the right side of the martyrs cemetery steps, over the stage is the Memorial Square. Look around the circular square, standing around nine different levels of stone pillars
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感染链(infection chain)指感染传播需要的三个环节,即感染源、传播途径和易感染群,这三个环节组成感染链。细菌、病毒、其它感染因子的存在和传播,必定具备一定的因素和条件
本刊讯“转型突破与变革管理——2011江浙沪民营建筑企业高层论坛”于2011年3月27日在上海成功召开。本次论坛由天强管理顾问策划主办,上海勘察设计行业协会、浙江省勘察 Th
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