Fatigue Behaviour of Naval Steel Under Seawater Environmental and Variable Loading Conditions

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:j621212
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The way to characterize the behaviour of a naval steel grade E36 subjected to the corrosive fatigue process is investigated. The tests were carried out by bending fatigue of plate specimens with thickness of 10 mm in the corrosive environment consisting of an aqueous solution of 3.5% of NaCl which is similar to seawater. Experimental results show that the principal mechanism of degradation of the superficial layer is based on the pit evolution,evidenced by electrochemical,micro and macro structural timely changes such as evolution of electrode potential,evolution of current density,polarization resistance,anodic and cathodic parameters,and dislocation density evolution. The way to characterize the behavior of a naval steel grade E36 subjected to the corrosive fatigue process is investigated. The tests were carried out by bending fatigue of plate specimens with a thickness of 10 mm in the corrosive environment consisting of an aqueous solution of 3.5% of NaCl which is similar to seawater. Experimental results show that the principal mechanism of degradation of the superficial layer is based on the pit evolution, evidenced by electrochemical, micro and macro structural timely changes such as evolution of electrode potential, evolution of current density, polarization resistance, anodic and cathodic parameters, and dislocation density evolution.
2000年中国电子商务巡回论坛的第一站活动已于2000年5月23日在上海举办,广州一站活动于2000年5月26日在广州举办。 由信息产业部信息化推进司主办、国家经贸委、科技部、海关总署、国家税务总局
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