,Enhanced light extraction of GaN-based light-emitting diodes with periodic textured SiO2 on Al-dope

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alucardlr
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We report an effective enhancement in light extraction of Ga N-based light-emitting diodes(LEDs) with an Al-doped Zn O(AZO) transparent conductive layer by incorporating a top regular textured SiO_2 layer. The 2 inch transparent throughpore anodic aluminum oxide(AAO) membrane was fabricated and used as the etching mask. The periodic pore with a pitch of about 410 nm was successfully transferred to the surface of the SiO_2 layer without any etching damages to the AZO layer and the electrodes. The light output power was enhanced by 19% at 20 m A and 56% at 100 m A compared to that of the planar LEDs without a patterned surface. This approach offers a technique to fabricate a low-cost and large-area regular pattern on the LED chip for achieving enhanced light extraction without an obvious increase of the forward voltage. We report an effective enhancement in light extraction of Ga N-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with an Al-doped Zn O (AZO) transparent conductive layer by incorporating a top regular textured SiO_2 layer. The 2 inch transparent throughpore anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membrane was fabricated and used as the etching mask. The periodic aperture with a pitch of about 410 nm was successfully transferred to the surface of the SiO 2 layer without any etching damages to the AZO layer and the electrodes. The light output power was enhanced by 19% at 20 m A and 56% at 100 m A compared to that of the planar LEDs without a patterned surface. This approach offers a technique to fabricate a low-cost and large-area regular pattern on the LED chip for achieving enhanced light extraction without an obvious increase of the forward voltage.
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