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每逢正月十五,从高楼上往下看,街道仍旧不如往昔热闹。但等大批的回乡农民工和自己的父母儿女度过这个团圆佳节后,他们就再也找不到理由在村子里待下去了,他们又会踏上旅途,一头载入城市的生产大军中成为一颗颗“永不生锈”的螺丝钉。2009年,在美国“时代周刊”评选出的年度人物里,位于美联储主席伯南克身后的就是“Chinese Worker”。2008年的全球金融危机使2009年中国的“保八”目标看似白日梦,但中国最终做到了,并且由此刺激了全球经济的复苏。这该归功于谁?“时代周刊”认为是“数千万背井离乡且多数是抛下家庭,去高速发展的沿海城市打工的中国工人”。从这段描述来看,“时代周刊”所指的“Chinese Worker”最准确的翻译应该是中国农民工。 Every fifteenth day of the month, looking down from the top of the building, the streets are still not as lively as they used to be. But after a large number of returning migrant workers and their parents and children passed the happy reunion, they could no longer find reason to stay in the village. They would embark on their journey and loaded themselves into the city’s army of production Become a “never rust” screw. In 2009, in the annual figures selected by the U.S. “Time Magazine”, the “Chinese Worker” located behind Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was “Chinese Worker.” The global financial crisis in 2008 made the goal of China’s “Ba Ba” in 2009 seem like daydreaming. However, China finally did it and, as a result, stimulated the global economic recovery. This is due to whom? “Time magazine” believes it “tens of millions of Chinese workers who left their hometown and most of them are left home to work in the fast-growing coastal cities.” From this description, the most accurate translation of “Chinese Worker ” in “Time Magazine” should be Chinese migrant workers.
<正>像诗人般祈灵谬思,在眉心修出一只魔眼;像小说家那样闭户向壁,欢筑一座不存在的城。Christopher Boffoli不费力气地维护着他的小人王国,似乎这该是他的,所以义无反顾地端
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为扩大内需刺激经济增长,中央政府于1998年6月开始启动扩张性财政政策,同货币政策相比,财政政策具有见效快的特 In order to expand domestic demand to stimulate economi
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湖南省财政厅厅长章锐夫同志近日就当前湖南省财政工作实际,提出要适应市场经济要求,切实转变财政职能。 章锐夫指出,当前,财政职能范围规范、宏观调控能力弱化的问题尚未从