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小学新教材的改版,改变了原有单一、被动的学习方式,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习。因此,学生在学习中就应该真正拥有学习的主动权,更好地发挥主体作用,改变消极、被动的学习状态和方式,更加积极主动地学习、探索。在多年的教学实践中,我深深地体会到,要提高教学质量,不仅要提高教师的自身素质,更重要的是充分发挥学生的主观能动性。在教学中,尽量让学生都学会学习,课堂上给足学生主动探索的时间与空间,让孩子们去亲身体验,自我感悟,从中体会到数学的实用价值和做数学题的快乐,尽可能地多给学生提供自主探究的机会,改变以往那种让学生跟在老师后面走的习惯。 The revision of new primary school textbooks has changed the original single and passive learning methods and promoted students to actively and personally study under the guidance of teachers. Therefore, students should truly have the initiative to learn, play a better role in the learning, change the passive and passive state of learning, and learn and explore more actively. In many years of teaching practice, I deeply understand that to improve teaching quality, not only to improve the quality of teachers, more importantly, give full play to students’ initiative. In teaching, try to let students learn to learn in class to give students the opportunity to explore the time and space for children to experience, self-perception, from which to understand the practical value of mathematics and mathematics to do the joy of mathematics, as far as possible Give students more opportunities for self-exploration and change the habit of keeping students behind the teacher.
近年来对于过共晶到过包晶Al 过渡金属晶化 ,特别是初晶金属间化合物粒子研究表明 ,这种晶粒粗大使其机械强度、加工性受到影响 ,因此必须对细化晶粒进行研究。采用复合离心铸
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