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规模经济学认为,企业规模只有在一定点时,规模经济效益才是最大;企业规模过小或过大,都会导致规模经济效益的趋小化。我国国内市场广阔,有条件形成合理的批量,以取得最大的规模经济效益。但是,无论过去还是现在,无论国内投资还是引进外资,都未能改变蜂涌而上,遍地开花、规模偏小、效益不高的局面。就我省来看,情况也是如此。据1986年末统计,全省13563户企业中,小企业就有13284户,占97.94%,而工业产值只占一半。从预算内国营工业企业看,小型企业863户,占预算内国营工业企业的78.67%,职工占49.34%,而工业产值仅占25.6%,利税只占14.3%。可见,小企业由于规模小,基础弱,设备陈旧,工艺落后等原因,使其在市场上缺乏竞争力,因而,其经济效益偏低。面对这种情况,近几年,国家虽然在客观上采取了一些措施,如减税让利,改善小企业的经营机制等,起到了重要的缓解作用,但从战略的高度看,大力发展小企业的横向联合则不失为更有效的良策。它既有利于解决小企业资金不足、原材料短缺、技术人员匮乏等问题,提高其开创力和应变力,也有利于打破传统的“小而全”的旧格局,提高专业化协作水平和生产能力,促使企业的优化组合和规模经济效益的迅速提高。 小企业的横向经济联合,前途广阔,有很多文章可作,目前可供选择并已 Scale economics believes that when the scale of a company is only a certain point, the scale of economic efficiency is the largest; if the size of the company is too small or too large, the scale of economic benefits will be reduced. China’s domestic market is vast and it is conditional to form reasonable batches in order to achieve maximum economies of scale. However, no matter whether in the past or in the present, no matter whether domestic investment or the introduction of foreign investment, it has failed to change the situation where there are so many people, all over the place, with small scale and low efficiency. As far as our province is concerned, so too is the situation. According to statistics from the end of 1986, 13 538 small and medium-sized enterprises in the province had 13,284 households, accounting for 97.94% of the total, and industrial output accounted for only half. From the state-owned industrial enterprises within the budget, 863 small-scale enterprises accounted for 78.67% of the budgeted state-owned industrial enterprises, employees accounted for 49.34%, while industrial output accounted for only 25.6%, and profits and taxes accounted for only 14.3%. It can be seen that because of the small scale, weak foundation, outdated equipment, and backward technology, small businesses make them less competitive in the market, and therefore, their economic benefits are low. Faced with this situation, in recent years, although the state has taken some measures objectively, such as reducing tax revenue and improving the operating mechanism of small enterprises, it has played an important role in mitigation, but from a strategic point of view, vigorously develop small Horizontal integration of enterprises is a more effective and effective strategy. It is not only helpful to solve problems such as insufficient funds, shortage of raw materials, and shortage of technical personnel of small enterprises, but also improves their pioneering power and resilience. It also helps to break the traditional “small and complete” pattern and increase the level of professional cooperation and production capacity. , to promote the rapid increase in the company’s optimal portfolio and economies of scale. The horizontal economic alliance of small enterprises has a promising future. There are many articles that can be made. Currently available for selection and
很多人都渴望得到机遇的垂青,从而让自己走上成功之路。但是当机遇来临时,只有做好了准备的人才能更好地利用它获得成功。你准备好了吗? Many people are eager to get the
中国近代著名实业家、教育家,清末状元张謇是江苏海门常乐镇人,一生倡导实业救国,创办了20多个企业,370多所学校,为我国近代民族工业的兴起以及教育事业的发展做出了宝贵贡献,被称为“状元实业家”。江苏省海门市常乐中心小学于1904年由张謇先生创办,迄今已逾百年。  学校依托状元故里特有的文化氛围,秉承张謇“父教育,母实业”爱国思想, 以“强毅力行”为校训,以“学謇弘謇”为办学特色,坚持“全面发展创特