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我国六大林业重点工程是指天然林资源保护工程、退耕还林工程、京津风沙源治理工程、“三北”和长江中上游地区等重点防护林工程、野生动值物保护工程、自然保护区建设工程及重点地区速生丰产用材林基地建设工程。六大林业重点工程自1988年陆续启动实施以来,已经累计完成投资1264亿元,完成造林面积2533万公顷。按照计划,这六大工程总投资将达几干亿元,覆盖全国97%以上的县。“天保”工程:守护森林原始资源1988年,发生在长江流域和东北地区的两次特大洪灾,让人们尝到了生态破坏的滋味。洪水退去后,中共中央、国务院提出:“全面停止长江、黄河流域中上游的天然林采伐’。经过2年试点,2000年10月,国家正式启动了天然林资源保护工程。此后,长江、黄河流域工程区全面停止了天然林商品性采伐,东北、内蒙古等重点国有林区大幅度调减木材产量。7年来,”天保“工程累计投入449亿元, The six key forestry projects in China refer to the protection of natural forest resources, the project of returning farmland to forestry, the project of sandstorm source control in Beijing and Tianjin, the key shelterbelt projects such as the ”Three Norths“ and the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the wildlife conservation projects, Construction of protected areas and key areas of fast growing forest base construction projects. Since the start of the implementation of the six major forestry key projects in 1988, they have accumulated a total investment of 126.4 billion yuan and completed afforestation area of ​​25.33 million hectares. In accordance with the plan, the total investment of these six projects will reach several hundred million yuan, covering more than 97% of the country’s counties. ”Natural Forest Protection “ Project: Protecting the Forest’s Original Resources In 1988, two extraordinary floods occurred in the Yangtze River valley and the northeast region, letting people taste the taste of ecological destruction. After the flood receded, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council proposed: ”To stop the natural forest harvesting in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River Basin.“ After two years of pilot projects, the state officially launched the Natural Forest Protection Project in October 2000. Since then, In the engineering area of ​​the Yellow River Basin, the commercial harvesting of natural forests has been stopped completely, and the output of timber in major state-owned forest areas such as Northeast China and Inner Mongolia has been substantially reduced. Over the past seven years, the project of ”Natural Forest Protection" has invested a total of 44.9 billion yuan,
<正>Der Br》Wohin, Gevatter Br?《 sprach ein Wolf zu einem wandernden Bren.-》Ich suche mir eine andere Wohnung《, antwortete er.-》Du hattest ja aber ein
最早的广告人有两个极端。 一是街头叫卖,即所谓卖膏药的,他可以通过口头的声高声低和无数悬念制造来吸引爱热闹的人,其间亦有打浑插科以增笑耳,但是鄙俗、无聊,大都为现代广告人