
来源 :邓小平研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delphizhao
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邓小平作风建设核心思想对当前“四个全面”战略布局的实践具有重要的现实意义。邓小平的作风建设核心思想来源于长期的历史实践之中,具体表现在善学活用的学风、敢中求是的思想作风、实干为民的工作作风、多谋善断的领导作风以及质朴乐观的生活作风上。广安在邓小平作风建设核心思想的的指导下取得了显著的实践效果,行学用结合之道,转变学风;谋改革创新之策,转变思想作风;施务实惠民之举,转变工作作风;强民主集中之制,转变领导作风;固艰苦奋进之本,转变生活作风。作为中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分,邓小平的作风建设核心思想在十八大以来的新一届党中央的伟大实践中得到了科学总结和创新发展。 The core idea of ​​Deng Xiaoping’s style construction is of great practical significance to the current practice of the “four comprehensive” strategic layout. Deng Xiaoping’s core idea of ​​style construction comes from long-term historical practice, which is manifested in the style of study, the ideological style of seeking truth from facts, the work style of working hard for the people, the leadership style of seeking perfection and simplicity, Life style. Guang’an achieved significant practical results under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping’s core concept of style construction. He learned to change his style of study through a combination of ways, seeking solutions to reform and innovation, and changing his style of thinking. Democratic centralism system, change the style of leadership; solid hard forge ahead, change the style of life. As an important part of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Deng Xiaoping’s core concept of style construction has scientifically summed up and innovatively developed in the great practice of the party Central Committee since the 18th CPC National Congress.
《美国地球物理联合会汇刊》1979年7月31日第60卷31期刊登了一篇题为《1979年地震较少》的报道,概述了1979年上半年的地震活动情况。摘译如下: The American Geophysical Un
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Si sono indagate le componenti qualitative del popolamento malacologicoancora presente in alcuni piccoli Iaghi e stagni dell’Italia settentrionale.I campionam