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在西方多党制下,小规模政党尽管影响力不及大党,但为整个政党体制提供了必不可少的民主合法性与民主监督的功能,持久改变着政治生态。在德国,尽管小规模政党数量众多,但只有为数不多的政党能够在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,甚至发展成为地位稳固的政党。究其成功要素,既有法律与政治制度等框架条件,也有政党在财政来源、组织结构、内部意志形成、政治纲领和议题设置、民意动员等多方面的能力,还有选民需求和社会环境的变化。 Under the multi-party system in the West, small-scale parties, though less influential than big parties, provided essential functions of democratic legitimacy and democratic oversight to the entire party system and persisted in changing the political ecology. In Germany, despite the large number of small-scale parties, only a small number of political parties can stand out in the fierce competition and even develop into stable political parties. The factors of its success, both the legal and political framework and other frameworks, as well as political parties in the financial resources, organizational structure, internal will formation, political program and agenda setting, public opinion mobilization and many other capabilities, as well as the needs of voters and the social environment Variety.
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易玲走进商场,走过一家名叫“百分之二”时装店,看看玻璃橱里的广告横幅,感觉轻飘飘似的。 Yi Ling walked into the mall, walked through a company called “two percent
修路回家,路是最重要的。车通到的地方,离老家还隔着两里小路。一踏上这条小路,我立刻就找到了家的方位、童年的影子,还有我青春时幻想的脚印。 Road to go home, the road