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成都军区某预备役军官训练团始终围绕培训合格预任军官这个中心工作不动摇,着重抓好教员队伍人才建设,几年来,吕色地完成了全区预任军官集训任务。 建团之初,团党委把加强教员队伍建设,提高教员素质摆在了十分重要的位置。他们就及时组织教员重点学习了高科技知识、军事理论、预备役部队业务知识等内容,使每名教员了解战区军事斗争形势、现代信息战概况和当前军区预备役部队新训法、新装各发展状况,掌握了预备役部队有关业务知识,并组织了以教案编写、微机基本知识、数据库建立、多媒体课件制作等为主要内容的集训。 几年来,该团在大力开展教员‘试讲试教”活动的同时,按照预备役部队可能遂行的作战任务,精选训练内容,编写出与使命性课题相适应的教案数十套,有多种教材被全军推广采用。 Chengdu Military Region, a reserve officer training corps has always been around the training of pre-qualified officers in this center unshakable, focusing on the construction of a contingent of qualified personnel, the past few years, Lu completed the region’s pre-service military training tasks. At the beginning of establishing the CYL, the CYL party committee placed a very important position on strengthening the contingent building of teaching staff and improving the quality of teaching staff. They timely organized the trainers to focus on the contents of high-tech knowledge, military theory, and operational knowledge of the reserve forces so that each trainee could understand the situation of the military struggle in the theater of war, the general situation of the modern information warfare, and the current new training methods and new conditions for the military reserve forces. Mastered the operational forces of the reserve forces knowledge, and organized the training of teaching plan preparation, basic knowledge of computers, database creation, multimedia courseware production as the main content of the training. In the past few years, while vigorously carrying out the activities of teaching, teaching and trial teaching, the delegation carefully selected training contents according to the combat tasks that the reserve forces might perform and compiled dozens of teaching plans that are compatible with the mission-oriented tasks. Teaching materials are used by the army to promote.
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本文运用经济理论对我国当前电力改革进行分析,认清改革的性质和所面临的问题,并提出政策建议。 This paper uses economic theory to analyze the current electricity ref
去年期间,恒源祥长达1分钟的12生肖广告引来无数争议。今年春节期间,随着“我属牛,牛牛牛;我属虎,虎虎虎……”的广告语响起,恒源祥再度将12生肖一个不落地搬上银屏。  尽管很多人都在指责其恶俗,由此引发了对恶俗广告的探讨,甚至登上了大洋彼岸的美国报纸,但对此恒源祥表示:还要恶俗20年。  与此类似的还有“死不掉的脑白金”现象,该品牌广告从1998年开始整整恶俗了10年还不见落暮。  恶俗广告到底有