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一、“十一五”时期我国经济、社会发展面临的挑战(一)有观点认为,“十一五”是中国全面建设小康社会的重要时期,也是人口增长、经济发展与资源环境关系更为紧张的时期,在可持续发展道路上,中国面临着以下三方面的严峻挑战。1.挑战之一:人口增长与生活质量全面提高的矛盾。具体 I. Challenges to China’s Economic and Social Development during the 11th Five-year Plan Period (I) Some people think that the “11th Five-year Plan” is an important period for China to build a well-to-do society in an all-round way. It is also a population growth. Its economic development is more related to resources and environment During the intense period, China faces the following three serious challenges on the path of sustainable development. 1. One of the challenges is the contradiction between an overall increase in population growth and quality of life. specific
The LM-3A series launch vehicle was used for all launch missions for the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS)project,including BDS-1,BDS-2,and BDS-3.So it is
The completion of the BeiDou global navigation satellite system has made China becoming the third country owning a global navigation satellite system independen