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这是世界著名的畅销书作家阿瑟·黑利今年4月在美国出版的新作,也是他歇笔6年以来的第一部作品,问世后立即在西方世界引起轰动,被认为是继《航空港》、《大饭店》之后的又一部畅销书。拉丁美洲某恐怖组织绑架了美国一家大电视台CBA电视台的节目主持人克劳福德的亲属,并以在全国瞩目的CBA晚间新闻节目时间播放该组织的宣传内容为释放人质的条件。CBA负责人及控制CBA的某财团为了达成一项不可告人的跨国贸易,千方百计地阻挠对人质的抢救行动。克劳福德的昔日情敌和事业上的对手——名记者哈里不计前嫌,与CBA一批坚持正义的同事一起不顾上司的阻挠,顺着蛛丝马迹追踪至南美丛林,深入虎穴,终于救出人质,而哈里也献出了自己的生命。小说围绕这起骇人听闻的跨国绑架事件,描绘了美国电视界的真相以及拉美恐怖组织的内幕,通过金钱与道德,功利与正义的激烈碰撞的精采描绘,展示了一幅当今西方社会的最新画卷。 This is the world famous best-selling author Arthur Haley published in the United States in April this year, the new work, but also his first pen in six years after the break, immediately after the advent of a sensation in the Western world, is considered to be following the “Airport ”,“ Grand Hotel ”after another bestseller. A terrorist group in Latin America abducted relatives of Crawford host CBS Television in a major U.S. television station and released the organization’s propaganda materials as hostage-free conditions during the CBA Evening News program, which is attracting national attention. In order to reach an ultimatum for cross-border trade, the chief of the CBA and a consortium controlling the CBA tried every means to obstruct the rescue of the hostages. Crawford’s old rival and his career rival, the journalist Harry, did not hesitate and together with a group of co-workers of the CBA, disregarding the obstruction of his superiors, followed clues to follow the South American jungle and penetrated into the tiger’s hole and finally rescued the hostages Harry also gave his own life. Based on this appalling transnational abduction incident, the novel depicts the truth of the American television industry and the inside story of the terrorist organizations in Latin America. Through a brilliant depiction of the fierce collision of money and morality, utilitarianism and justice, the novel shows the latest picture of today’s western society.
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2005年10月17日4时33分,“神舟”六号飞船返回舱在内蒙古四子王旗中部草原成功着陆!全国人民欢呼雀跃。 我国“神舟”号飞船返回舱外 At 4:33 on October 17, 2005, the retu
依泰洛·卡尔维诺,在二次大战后的意大利和西方文坛上无疑是一个不同凡响的人物。 美国评论界认为卡尔维诺是后现代主义大师,但卡尔维诺本人并不赞成这样的说法。其实,在卡
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