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1997年1月16日,在人民银行宾阳县支行的主持下,宾阳县六家保险公司正式签定了宾阳县第一部保险同业自律公约——《宾阳县保险机构制止不正当竞争公约》。 随着宾阳县保险业的迅速发展,仅一年多时间,宾阳县保险市场即由人保一家经营发展为六家公司共同竞争的格局,激烈的竞争出现了违背保险自愿原则的强行性拉保,采取诬辱、诽谤手段贬低他人,变相降低保险费率,提高代理手续费、高返还等违规违法行为。不计后果盲目追求保费虚增长的不正当竞争行为,在社会上造成了极坏的影响,如不及时制止,势必造成保险业的大倒退,损害保险双方当事人的切身利益。为规范保险活动,维护公平竞争,人民银行宾阳县支行经过深入的调查研究,参照国内保险业发达地区的做法,结合本县的具体情况,召集各家保险公司经理召开了两次联席会议,经过大家充分酝酿,反复讨 On January 16, 1997, under the auspices of the Binyang Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, six insurance companies in Binyang County formally signed the first self-discipline convention for insurance co-owners in Binyang County - "Binyang County’s Insurance Agency Stops Illegality Competition Convention. With the rapid development of the insurance industry in Binyang County, Binyang County’s insurance market, which is operated by PICC at a time more than a year, developed into a pattern of common competition among the six companies. In the fierce competition, a forced pull violated the voluntary principle of insurance Paul, to take a slander, libel means to belittle others, reduce insurance premium rates in disguise, improve agent fees, high return and other illegal activities. Unfair consequences blind pursuit of unfair growth of premium growth has caused extremely bad social impact. Failure to stop it in time will inevitably lead to a big retrogression in the insurance industry and damage the immediate interests of both parties involved in insurance. In order to standardize insurance activities and maintain fair competition, People’s Bank of China branch in Binyang County conducted an in-depth investigation and study and referred to the practices of developed areas in the domestic insurance industry. In the light of the specific conditions of the county, the managers of various insurance companies were convened to convene two joint meetings, After all the brewing, repeated discussion
新型大屏幕电视机有高清度的图像的条件之一就是要有良好的聚焦电压。原来的小屏幕电视聚焦电压为静态值,而现行镜面电视聚焦,则采用动态聚焦。动 One of the conditions f
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