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以丘陵红壤为载体,综合施肥种类、施肥量和施肥方法,设计CK(不施肥)、N、P、K、NPK、2/3NPK、4/3NPK、缓控释肥(与NPK等量)等8个处理,系统对黑芝麻新品种赣芝7号进行红壤旱地施肥效应研究。结果表明,施肥对赣芝7号的生育进程、主要生物学性状和经济性状影响明显,对赣芝7号的籽实产量影响很大,施肥增产10.45%~70.90%,均达极显著差异水平;N、P、K单施的增产效果为P>N>K;N、P、K配施的增产效果显著好于偏施单施;三级施肥量水平增肥增产,但增肥的增产率趋低,综合施肥投入和增产效率两因素,以施肥增产比较效益为衡量指标,施肥量以NPK处理施肥量最优;在等肥量下,缓控释肥比常规肥增产,且有轻简化效果,缓控释肥是今后在轻简化栽培中应用的趋势。 With the red soil in hilly region as the carrier, the types of fertilizers, the amount of fertilizers and the methods of fertilization were used to design CK (no fertilization), N, P, K, NPK, 2/3 NPK and 4/3 NPK 8 treatments, the system of black sesame variety Ganzhi 7 red soil dryland fertilization effect. The results showed that fertilization had significant effects on the growth progress, major biological and economic traits of Ganzhi 7, which had a great influence on the seed yield of Ganzhi 7. Fertilization increased yield by 10.45% ~ 70.90%, reaching extremely significant differences. N, P and K were increased P> N> K. The yield increasing effect of N, P and K was significantly better than that of partial application. The level of three fertilizers increased, but the yield increased The results showed that NPK treatment had the best fertilization rate under the condition of lower fertilization rate, lower fertilization rate, comprehensive fertilization input and yield efficiency. Compared with conventional fertilization, Effect, controlled release fertilizer is the trend of application in the light and simplified cultivation in the future.
应用等位酶分析,在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的阿尔拜特(Arpette)和拜阿尔普(Belalp),沿三 个不同的海拔梯度,研究了高山黄花茅3个自然居群的遗传变异和分化。研究结果表明,平 均的多态性位点比
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