现代级加入中国海军10周年纪念 现代级驱逐舰全传(上) 一切为了进攻

来源 :海陆空天惯性世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cutexsh
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今年是现代级驱逐舰在苏联/俄罗斯海军服役30周年纪念,同时也是现代级加入中国海军10周年纪念。作为一型先进而成熟的大型导弹驱逐舰,现代级既不幸又幸运。说其不幸,是因为这级承载着苏联红海军走向大洋梦想的驱逐舰仅仅风光了10年,就因红色帝国的崩溃而从天堂掉入了地狱,经受着被蹂躏、被冷落的残酷折磨;说其幸运,是因为远嫁到中国的现代级亲历了中国海军迈向远洋的跬步,感受到了中国海军的精心呵护,领略了中国海军勇往直前的冲天豪情。虽然有关现代级驱逐舰的介绍已经连篇累牍,但往往挂一漏万,使读者很难对现代级有清晰而全面的认识。然而,本文将给读者呈现一份迄今为止国内关于现代级驱逐舰最完整、最翔实的报道。这绝非小编说大话,因为本文的所有资料均来源于现代级的设计单位——俄罗斯北方设计局的技术档案。 This year marks the 30th anniversary of the modern-day destroyers serving in the Soviet Union / Russian Navy and is also the 10th anniversary of the modern-day admission of the Chinese navy. As an advanced and mature large-scale missile destroyer, the modern class is both lucky and lucky. To say its unfortunate reason is that this class of destroyer, carrying the Soviet Red Navy’s dream of marching toward the ocean, has only been in scenery for 10 years. It fell from heaven to hell because of the collapse of the Red Empire and was subjected to cruel torture that was ravaged and left out. It is fortunate that the modern Chinese marrying China experienced the move of the Chinese navy toward the oceans and felt the meticulous care of the Chinese Navy and the unprecedented pride of the Chinese navy. Although the introduction of modern-day destroyers has been exhaustive, but often missed, so that readers are difficult to have a clear and comprehensive understanding of the modern level. However, this article will present the reader with the most complete and informative report on modern-day destroyers to date. This is by no means Xiaobian words, because all the information in this article are derived from the design of modern-level units - the Russian Northern Design Bureau’s technical files.
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声波是在海洋中唯一能够远距离传播的能量辐射形式。在当前以及可预见的未来,对潜艇的探测仍将依靠探测声场的变化。因此,降低潜艇噪声,就是潜艇的主要隐身措施。 Acoustic