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清人王史鉴所编《宋诗类选》是一部五七言近体诗选,是书采用“诗以类分、类以时叙”的编排体例,引用书籍达四百余种。选源之详博,与王氏敦本经史、淹贯史籍有关,对指导初学入门则裨益良多。而编者力主性情、兼采唐宋、倡变通的批评主张,则为是书赢得了不少读者。在康熙末年尊唐黜宋之风复炽的诗学背景下,《宋诗类选》的出现,对巩固清初宋诗运动的成果起到了积极作用。 Qing Dynasty Wang Shi Jian’s “Selected Poems of the Song Dynasty” is a fifty-seven words close to the body of poetry, the book uses “Poetry to class points, class to Syria ” of the choreography, cited more than 400 kinds of books. Selected sources of detail, and Wang Dunzheng history, history of drowning related to the guidance of beginners beginners will benefit a lot. The editor of the main character of the situation, and adopt the Tang and Song Dynasties, advocate alternative criticism, it is the book won a lot of readers. Under the poetic background of the Tang Dynasty and the reign of the Song Dynasty in the late Kangxi period, the appearance of “Selected Poems of the Song Dynasty” played a positive role in consolidating the achievements of the Song poetry movement in the early Qing Dynasty.
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