运用人机工程理论 加强设备安全管理

来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saintjob
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近代劳动科研成果表明,产生机械事故的原因大致有四种:一是属于从业者本身的,占88%;二是属于不安全物性因素,即设备本身的,占9%;三是属于不可抗拒灾害的,占2%;四是属于不明原因的,占1%。所以,机械事故的最重要原因仍然是人机不安全问题,而人的因素又占主导地位。以下拟从设备安全的角度,谈谈当前设备使用中的不安全表现、产生的原因以及预防措施,为企业管理者运用人机工程学理论解决人机安全问题提供一个思路。 一、忽视人机安全的主要表现 1.拼设备。概括为超载、超压、超速、超温、带病运行。它使设备使用可靠性降低,产品质量下降,严重损坏设备机具,发生机械事故,产生人员伤亡。 2.拼体力。尤其以承包工程中和某些搞第二、第三产业的作业者为甚。违章指挥、违 Modern labor scientific research shows that there are four reasons for mechanical accidents: one is practitioners, accounting for 88%; the other is unsafe physical factors, that is, the equipment itself, accounting for 9%; the third is irresistible Disaster, accounting for 2%; Fourth, belong to unknown reasons, accounting for 1%. Therefore, the most important cause of mechanical accidents is still the problem of human-machine insecurity, and human factors are the dominant factors. The following intends to from the perspective of equipment safety, talk about the current use of equipment unsafe performance, the causes and preventive measures for business managers to use ergonomics to solve man-machine security issues provide a way of thinking. First, ignore the main performance man-machine safety 1 fight equipment. Summarized as overload, overpressure, speeding, over-temperature, sick run. It reduces the reliability of equipment, product quality decline, serious damage to equipment and machinery, a mechanical accident, resulting in casualties. 2 fight physical force. In particular, contractors and some engaged in secondary and tertiary industries even more operators. Violation of command, contrary
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