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冬无言,外似冷酷,虽然风在吼,雪在飘,虽然色调灰暗难与绿色相高低,但冰封的世界里生机依然存在,生命不会终止,这时的凝固预示着春天的烂漫与丰沃。进入冬季,大自然的主题已经与绿色无缘。表面上充满着单调,仿佛一切进入了萧条。虽然风萧萧,雪皑皑,但世界好像一切了无新意,灰白而枯萎,沉寂而冷清。一下子换了人间,再也看不到五颜六色的鲜艳,再也听不到蝉叫与虫鸣,看不到闪电,也没有了雷雨的激情,就是那一场令人心寒的西北风,从早到晚,日夜不停,呼喊得让人发冷。即使人人蜷缩在有暖气 Winter speechless, seemingly cold, although the wind roar, the snow floating, although the dark gray color and green level, but the vitality of the frozen world still exists, life will not be terminated, when the coagulation heralds spring And abundance. Into the winter, nature’s theme has been missed with the green. The surface is full of monotonous, as if everything has entered a depression. Although the wind is rustling and snow capped, the world seems nothing new, gray and withered, quiet and deserted. Suddenly changed the world, no longer see colorful bright, no longer hear cicadas and insects, can not see the lightning, there is no thunder of the passion, that is a chilling northwest wind, from Morning and night, day and night non-stop, crying too cold. Even if everyone curled up in the heating
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on January 11,2011,a bronze statue of Confucius,nearly eight meters high,was unveiled in the northern square of China’s National Museum,which stands on the eas
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又想起童年。握了几年的笔,似乎只有今天才派得上用场。跳动了十几年的心,似乎只有这时才最澎湃。微闭双眼,嘴唇不由得颤动。抬头望望天,才发现最天真的只属于小时候。 Also
一家东北人在纽约唐人街开了家餐馆,儿子做服务生,妈妈收钱,爸爸做大厨。 A Northeast man opened a restaurant in Chinatown, New York. His son serves as a waiter, his