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根据国家有关产业政策,进一步加快发展新型墙材,切实推进住宅产业现代化,国家有关部门已公布了首批住宅建设推荐新产品。这批新产品分为四大类:一是外墙材料;二是非承重内墙材料;三是保温材料;四是建筑门窗。一、外墙材料:1砼空心砌块(含多排孔或双排孔,空心... In accordance with the relevant industrial policies of the country, to further accelerate the development of new types of wall materials and effectively promote the modernization of the housing industry, the relevant state departments have announced the first batch of recommended new products for residential construction. This batch of new products is divided into four major categories: First, exterior wall materials; second, non-load-bearing interior wall materials; third, insulation materials; and fourth, building doors and windows. First, the wall material: 1 hollow block (including multiple rows of holes or double row holes, hollow ...
二厘米长短、大头针粗细的透明杆状物,置身偌大个展台,显得“弱不禁风”、毫不起眼,但却因为旁边标有“纳米”二字,而在前不久举办的北京科博会上吸引了许多观展者的眼球。  纳米跟咱何干?本期“特别策划”《纳米和你有什么关系?》,为大家详尽介绍了纳米技术的发展和应用,其个中特性及与之相关联的一系列奇观,或许会让你大开眼界、叹为观止。  时间倒流回半个多世纪以前,1959年,美国著名物理学家、有“科学顽童”
The catalytically assisted self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of carbon fibrous nanostructures, where the iron-doped colloidal carbon xerogel is propos
山东建筑材料工业学院九九届毕业生统计表 Statistics of the Ninth-ninth Graduates of Shandong Institute of Building Materials Industry
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2016年5月16日,全球减灾和恢复基金(GFDRR)发布题为《制造风险更大的未来:我们的决定如何塑造灾害风险的未来》(The Making of a Riskier Future:How Our Decisions are Shap
SrMoO4 nanoplates were synthesized by a facile reverse microemulsion method at room temperature.Energy evolution of this in situ growth process was monitored by