Application of the O-line model to martensite crystallography

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xlr9900
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The O-line model is usually applied to precipitation crystallography.Its application to investigation of martensite crystallography has received little attention.In this paper,the relationship between O-line model and the prism matching model for martensite crystallography is established.The formulas in the O-line model are applicable to martensite crystallography.Analytical solution of the habit plane corresponding to the minimum shape strain has been derived.A calculation example of {3 10 15}f martensite in a ferrous alloy is provided.While the results are in agreement with the former models for martensite crystallography,the advantage of O-line model is that it offers analytical solutions,facilitating further systematic investigations. The O-line model is usually applied to precipitation crystallography. Its application to investigate of martensite crystallography has received little attention. In this paper, the relationship between O-line model and the prism matching model for martensite crystallography is established. The formulas in the O-line model are applicable to martensite crystallography. An analytical solution of the habit plane corresponding to the minimum shape strain has been derived. A calculation example of {3 10 15} f martensite in a ferrous alloy is provided. with the former models for martensite crystallography, the advantage of O-line model is that it offers analytical solutions, 便利 further systematic investigations.
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