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在国民经济调整工作中,资金不足成为各种矛盾集中的焦点。国家预算入不敷出,发生了赤字;银行信贷收支不平衡多发了票子;基建投资超过了国力,不得不退够;生产与需要脱节,造成大量产品积压;材料超储,在制品周期长;补偿人民生活欠帐,由于资金不足,只好放慢进行。所有这些事实,“冰冻三尺、非一日之寒”。三十多年来,除第一个五年计划外,由于执行“以钢为纲”的方针与片面追求产值所造成的经济结构不合理,比例失调,当思想上明确社会主义生产的目的是满足需要后,才把商品经济的客观必然性从产品交换造成的“高速度”发展经济的虚假现象揭开了。资金循环、周转的理论问题,开始引起重视。 In the adjustment of the national economy, the lack of funds has become the focus of various contradictions. National budgets have failed to make ends meet; deficits have occurred; bank credit accounts have been more unbalanced; infrastructure investment exceeds national strength and must be retired; production and demand are disconnected, resulting in a large backlog of products; materials are overstocked and work-in-process cycles are long; Due to lack of funds, living expenses have to be slowed down. All these facts, “frozen, not a day cold.” For more than 30 years, with the exception of the first five-year plan, the economic structure caused by the implementation of the principle of “using steel as the guideline” and unilaterally pursuing the output value has been irrational and the ratio has been imbalanced. When ideologically, the purpose of socialist production is clear. After satisfying the needs, the objective reality of the commodity economy was uncovered from the “high speed” development of the economy caused by the exchange of products. The theory of capital circulation and turnover began to attract attention.
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“黑洞”很容易让人望文生义地想象成一个“大黑窟窿”,其实不然。所谓“黑洞”,就是这样一种天体:它的引力场是如此之强,就连光也不能逃脱出来。  根据广义相对论,引力场将使时空弯曲。当恒星的体积很大时,它的引力场对时空几乎没什么影响,从恒星表面上某一点发的光可以朝任何方向沿直线射出。而恒星的半径越小,它对周围的时空弯曲作用就越大,朝某些角度发出的光就将沿弯曲空间返回恒星表面。  等恒星的半径小到一特定
本文选自《芒果街上的小屋》(The House on Mango Street)。这是一本优美纯净的小书,一部“诗小说”,是美国当代最著名的成长经典,在美销量已达500万册。书中讲述居住在拉丁
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爷爷,这样一直漂流到大海里怎么办?  别担心,我自有打算。  木筏的速度好像越来越慢了耶!  ……