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  难度星级 ★★★ 建议做题时间 18 分钟 正确数_____
  Looking back on my children, I am convinced ___1___ naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought ___2___ in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon gave up their pressed flowers and insects. ___ 3___ them, I had no ear ___4___ music and languages, I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.
  Before World War I we___ 5 ___our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the memory of the house we lived___ 6 ___, of my room and my toys.
  ___7___ do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered___8___door. But I do have a clear memory of the dogs, the farm,___9___, the local birds and, ___10___all, the insects.
  I am a___11___, not a scientist. I have a strong___12___of natural world, and my enthusiasm has led me into varied investigation. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy___13___the midnight oil___14___reading about other people’s observations and discoveries. Then___15___happens that brings these observations together___16___my conscious mind. Suddenly you fancy, you see the answer___17___the riddle, and books, of which some might honor with the title of scientific research.
  But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist; one of the outstanding and essential(基本的) ___18___required is self-discipline, a quality I lack. A scientist requires not only 19but hard training, determination and a goal. A scientist, up to a point, can be made. A naturalist is20 . If you can combine the two, you get the best of both worlds.
  1. A. it B. that
  C. what D. of
  2. A. out B. about
  C. up D. back
  3. A. Unlike B. Like
  C. With D. Against
  4. A. of B. at
  C. to D. for
  5. A. spent B. purchased
  C. wounded D. burnt
  6. A. out B. in
  C. with D. together
  7. A. So B. Such
  C. Nor D. No
  8. A. near B. next
  C. far D. little
  9. A. products B. animals
  C. fields D. skies
  10. A. over B. on
  C. above D. across
  11. A. naturalist B. philosopher
  C. chemist D. mathematician
  12. A. wish B. eagerness
  C. imagination D. love
  13. A burning B. making
  C. hunting D. turning
  14. A. as if B. while
  C. though D. after
  15. A. somewhat B. someone
  C. somewhere D. something
  16. A. of B. on
  C. to D. over
  17. A. of B. on
  C. to D. at
  18. A. qualities B. games
  C. activities D. desires
  19. A. self-contained B. self-discipline
  C. self-centered D. self-governed
  20. A. made B. born
  C. produced D. found
  1. 正确使用宾语从句的连词。 2. “养育,抚养”的词组搭配是什么呢?3. 这里是对比或转折关系。4. 注意介词的固定搭配。有点类似the key to ...的用法。5. “度假”该用哪个动词呢?6. 其实是“live in the house” 的结构。7. 看看后文就知道是否定关系了。8. 和door搭配的也就只有 “next”了。9. dogs, the local birds 都属于动物类的。10. 只有一个是常用的词组搭配。也可以根据前后文来推断。11. 这句话点明本文的主题。12. 对自然界的热爱 “love”。13. 从the midnight oil 和reading about 去推理吧!14. 表示两个动词同时发生的连词是哪个?15. 提示你这是个倒装句。16. bring sth. to sb 的结构。17. 固定搭配:the answer to ... .18. 后句话有明显的提示,去找找看吧!19. 联系上面几个句子来想想吧!20. 注意首尾呼应。
  难度星级 ★★ 建议做题时间 18 分钟 正确数______
  The search for power begins when we were quite young.___1___children we’re told that the power of the good triumphs(战胜)over the power of the evil. But as we grow___2___older, we realize that___3___is ever that simple. Traces of evil always remain.
  ___4___, it means different things to different people. But whether to friendly contest or fight to the death, the end of the result is the___5___. There will be winners and losers. Of course the chief key is to___6___which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without___7___.
  Trust is a fragile(脆弱的) thing. Once earned, it will___8___us with tremendous freedom, but once trust is___9___, it can be impossible to be recovered. Of course the truth is we never know who we can___10___. Those we are close to could betray(背叛) us, while the total___11___could come to our rescue. ___12___, most people decide to trust only themselves. It is ___13___the simplest way ... to keep from___14___burnt.
  Death is unavoidable. It is a promise made to each of us___15___birth. But before the promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us. We all hope to experience something___16___makes our lives meaningful, but the sad fact is that not all lives have meaning. Some people spend their time on this___17___just sitting on the side lines, ___18___for something to happen to them___19___it is too late.
  Sooner or later the time comes when we all must become responsible adults. And learn to___20___what we want so we can choose to do what is right. Of course a life time of responsibility isn’t always easy. But still we try to do what is best, what is good, not only for ourselves, but for those we love.
  1. A. When B. As C. For D. Since
  2. A. much B. very
  C. many D. quite
  3. A. anything B. something
  C. nothing D. everything
  4. A. Cooperation B. Competition
  C. Comparison D. Communication
  5. A. same B. different
  C. opposite D. various
  6. A. study B. master C. know D. figure
  7. A. value B. money
  C. expense D. price
  8. A. offerB. provide C. give D. share
  9. A. losing B. going
  C. missing D. coming
  10. A. believe B. believe in
  C. depend D. rely
  11. A. relatives B. friends
  C. strangers D. family
  12. A. In time B. On time
  C. At the end D. On the end
  13. A. mainly B. actually
  C. merely D. extremely
  14. A. becoming B. taking
  C. getting D. suffering
  15. A. at B. on C. in D. during
  16. A. which B. that C. what D. how
  17. A. star B. world
  C. planet D. place
  18. A. waiting B. to wait
  C. wait D. being waiting
  19. A. after B. when
  C. before D. while
  20. A. give up B. give in
  C. give away D. give out
  1. “当我们是孩子时”该如何表达呢?2. 形容词比较级前可用哪些词来修饰呢?3. “Traces of evil always remain”是不是提醒你了?4. 这一段落中,contest、 fight等词给了你提示。5. 每一次的竞赛总不外乎“输、赢”这两种情况。6. 只有“熟悉、了解”比赛情况,我们才能确保胜利。7. “代价”该用哪个词呢?8. 能够和“ sb. with sth.”搭配的是哪两个词呢?再看看意思就不难确定了。9. “(东西)失去”有哪三种说法呢?10. “信任某人”该怎么说?“依靠某人”又该如何表达?11. 看到“while”这个转折词了吗?前后对比一下不就出来了?12. “最终”该如何表达?13. 句意理解起来,应该是“事实上”比较好,你说呢?14. “使……受伤”的固定搭配是什么呢?15. “出生”的固定搭配。16. 当先行词是something / anything / nothing / everything时,关系代词就用……。17. “在这个行星上”之意,而world应与in搭配,选什么呢?18. 逗号后面往往用什么做伴随状语啊?19. “直到……”,此地没有until,该选哪一个呢? 20. 看到本句后面的“so we can choose to do what is right.”了吗?
  1. 选B。I’m convinced that相当于I believe, that引导一个宾语从句。
  2. 选C。bring up意为“抚养,培养”。
  3. 选A。前后形成对比。
  4. 选D。have no ear for意为“对……听觉不灵敏”,have no ear to意为“对……不留神”。据上下文应用前者。
  5. 选A。可根据词语搭配关系选定答案。
  6. 选B。可根据词语搭配关系选定作案。
  7. 选C。由上文的only和下文的but可以推知此处应用否定。
  8. 选B。door之前没有冠词,用next修饰才符合语法。
  9. 选B。这里列举的都是动物。
  10. 选C。根据意义和词语搭配选定。
  11. 选A。切合文章主题,从文首和文末可以看出来。
  12. 选D。这是博物学家应有的情怀。
  13. 选A。burn the midnight oil,意为“夜里点着油灯看书”。
  14. 选B。前后两个动作同时发生。
  15. 选D。这是倒装句,that引起的从句作定语,修饰something。
  16. 选C。从习惯搭配角度考虑。
  17. 选C。the answer to ...是习惯搭配。
  18. 选A。后面的同位结构重现了该词。
  19. 选B。内容上承接上文。
  20. 选B。这与开头第一句话呼应:naturalists are born and not made.。
  1. B。“当我们是孩子时”可表达成as children=when we were children
  2. A。much才可修饰形容词比较级。
  3. C。后来我们认识到,没有那么简单的事情。
  4. B。整个段落都在讲“竞争”。
  5. A。所有竞争的结果都是一样的,即“输和赢”。
  6. C。动词辨析,study对计划、项目等研究;master精通、掌握知识、技术等;know熟悉、了解;figure计算。
  7. D。名词辨析。value价值;expense(生活等)费用;price价格、代价。
  8. B。offer sb. sth.; provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.; share sb. with sth. 根据句意“一旦我们获得了信任,它将给我们带来巨大的自由感”。
  9. C。“失去”可以有“be lost / be gone / be missing”三种。
  10. B。believe in=trust信任;believe相信(某人的话等);depend on=rely on依靠某人。
  11. C。句意为“有些我们亲近的人背叛了我们,而那些完全陌生的人却拯救了我们。”
  12. A。in time及时;最终。相当于in the end。
  13. B。actually事实上的;merely仅仅地;extremely极端地。
  14. C。get burnt为固定搭配“被烧伤”。
  15. A。at birth为固定搭配“出生的时候”。
  16. B。先行词为something / anything / nothing / everything等的不定代词时,后面的关系代词就用that。
  17. C。在这个行星上,应用“on this planet”来表达,相当于in the world, on the earth。
  18. A。waiting作伴随状语。
  19. C。他们总是等着一些事情发生,直到悔之晚矣。
  20. A。give up放弃;give in投降; give away免费赠送、泄露(秘密等);give out分发资料;精疲力竭。 ★
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