
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zz33xx
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The present work is concerned with extracting information about intermolecular potential energies of binary mixtures of CO2 with C2H6, C3H8, n-C4H10 and iso-C4H10, by the usage of the inversion method, and then predicting the dilute gas transport properties of the mixtures. Using the inverted pair potential energies, the Chap-man-Enskog version of the kinetic theory was applied to calculate transport properties, except thermal conductivity of mixtures. The calculation of thermal conductivity through the methods of Schreiber et al. and Uribe et al. was discussed. Calculations were performed over a wide temperature range and equimolar composition. Rather accurate correlations for the viscosity coefficients of the mixtures in the temperature range were reproduced from the present unlike intermolecular potential energies. Our estimated accuracies for the viscosity are within ±2%. Acceptable agreement between the predicted values of the viscosity and thermal conductivity with the literature values demonstrates the predictive power of the inversion scheme. In the case of thermal conductivity our results are in favor of the preference of Uribe et al.’s method over Schreiber et al.’s scheme. The present work is concerned with extracting information about intermolecular potential energies of binary mixtures of CO2 with C2H6, C3H8, n-C4H10 and iso-C4H10, by the usage of the inversion method, and then predicting the dilute gas transport properties of the mixtures. Using the inverted pair potential energies, the Chap-man-Enskog version of the kinetic theory was applied to calculate transport properties, except for thermal conductivity of mixtures. The calculation of thermal conductivity through the methods of Schreiber et al. And Uribe et al. Was discussed. Calculations were performed over a wide temperature range and equimolar composition. Rather accurate correlations for the viscosity coefficients of the mixtures in the temperature range were reproduced from the present unlike intermolecular potential energies. Our estimated accuracies for the viscosity are within ± 2%. Acceptable agreement between the predicted values ​​of the viscosity and thermal conductivity with the literatur e the value demonstrates the predictive power of the inversion scheme. In the case of thermal conductivity our results are in favor of the preference of Uribe et al.’s method over Schreiber et al.’s scheme.
目的探讨儿童肱骨远端骨骺损伤(Salter-Harris Ⅱ型)的诊治。方法回顾性分析39例肱骨远端骨骺损伤患儿切开复位内固定16例,闭合复位内固定治疗23例的临床资料及随访结果。结
1958年,伊朗Shiraz市一2 1岁男子因身材矮小、性腺功能减退、肝脾肿大、皮肤粗糙干燥、精神呆滞、食土癖及缺铁性贫血而来医院就诊。患者饮食异常,摄食的动物性蛋白极少,而且
什么是流感?  流感是流行性感冒的简称,是由流感病毒引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病。起病急、传播快,是流感的最主要特点。如果不小心得了流感,你会觉得非常不舒服:发高烧,不停地咳嗽,浑身肌肉酸疼;严重时,还会感觉呼吸困难,甚至因此失去生命。  流感病毒是罪魁祸首  人们之所以会得流感,罪魁祸首是流感病毒。流,感病毒是一种无法独立生存的微小颗粒,它能进入人的呼吸道、喉咙和肺,依附特定的细胞生存,从而引起呼