
来源 :民防苑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Water_E
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飞机失事是最为可怕的灾难之一,眨眼间火光四起,机毁人亡,无数家庭立刻遭受生死离别之痛。就在2001年的7月份,俄罗斯一架图-154客机失事,所有乘客和机组人员全部遇难,其中包括12名中国公民,像这样的空难事故每年都会发生几十起。在现代社会,由于航空工业空前发达,人们的生活、工作水平大幅提高,所以乘飞机外出旅游、出差的乘客也越来越多。面对如此惨痛的空难,大家还敢不敢乘坐飞机这种交通工具了呢?是不是有点畏缩不前、一筹莫展呢?事实上,在所有的交通工具中飞机 Plane crash is one of the most terrible catastrophes, blink of an eye blight, machine crash, countless families immediately suffer the pain of death. Just in July 2001, a Tu-154 passenger plane of Russia crashed and all passengers and crew members were killed, including 12 Chinese citizens. Dozens of such crashes have taken place each year. In modern society, due to the unprecedented development of the aviation industry, people’s living and working standards have risen dramatically. Therefore, more and more passengers travel by plane and travel abroad. In the face of such a painful crash, we still dare to take the plane of this means of transport it? Is not a little clumsy, do anything? In fact, in all modes of transport in the aircraft
本文对工作于超低频情况下的 RC 振荡器的振幅稳定性进行了实验研究,得出如何选择稳幅电路有关参数的若干结论。 In this paper, we study the stability of the RC oscilla
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
文章介绍了一种串行接口、8 位数字静态显示芯片MAX7219 的工作原理,提出了一个适于PLC的静态显示系统,并以PLCS7200 型CPU214 为例,讨论了硬件连接和软件编程 This paper introduces the working prin
Electnonics 1969年9月号刊载三篇文章,报导美帝发展军用微光电视的情况,表明美帝陆、海、空军对于微光电视的要求十分迫切,特别是为侵越战争的需要,近几年他们向一些企业投