搞好间作套种 实现巧种多收

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河南省新乡县地处豫北平原,是全国优质棉基地县之一。近10年来,该县20万亩棉花,皮棉亩产一直稳定在75公斤以上,位居北方棉区之冠。本刊本着服务当前,服务生产,促进农业进步,发展棉花生产的宗旨,从本期起在新辟《植棉经验》专栏内,将陆续发表新乡县的植棉经验,以期达到互相交流,互相借鉴之目的。鉴于我国棉区辽阔,自然生态条件各异,各植棉市县的领导干部和科技人员,在长期的科学实验和生产实践中,总结出了各具特色的植棉经验。本专栏愿为各植棉市县应用技术和先进经验系列文章的发表提供机会。 Xinxiang County, Henan Province is located in the North Plain, is one of the high-quality cotton base counties. The past 10 years, the county 200000 acres of cotton, lint per mu has been stable at 75 kilograms, ranking highest in the northern cotton. Our current service, service production, promote agricultural progress, the development of cotton production purposes, from this issue in the new “cotton experience” column, will be published in Xinxiang County, cotton planting experience, in order to achieve mutual exchange, Learn from each other’s purpose. In view of the vast cotton area in our country and the different natural and ecological conditions, leading cadres and scientific and technological personnel in cotton-planting counties and counties have summed up their own experience in cotton-planting with long-term scientific experiments and production practices. This column is an opportunity for the publication of a series of articles on applied technologies and advanced experiences in various cotton-planting counties and counties.
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