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国务院1982年颁布的《水土保持工作条例》(以下简称《条例》)第十四条明确指出:水利、铁道、交通、工矿、电力等部门,在山区、丘陵区、风沙区兴建工程和进行生产时,应尽量减少破坏地貌和植被;开采土、石、沙料,可能导致水土流失的,必须采取水土保持措施:废弃的土、石、沙料和矿渣,尾沙必须妥善处理,不准倒入江河、水库;工程竣工时,取土场、开挖面等范围内的裸露土地,由施工单位负责采取植物措施和必要的工程措施,保持水土资源。这一条已经把工矿基本建设和水土保持关系阐述得非常清楚。一句话,进行工矿基本建设,必须把水土保持措施跟上,否则,将会造成巨大损失,影响四化建设的顺利进行。 State Council promulgated in 1982, “Soil and Water Conservation Working Regulations” (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”) clearly pointed out in Article XIV: water conservancy, railways, transportation, mining, electricity and other departments in the mountains, hilly areas, sand and sand area construction and production Soil and stone, and sand, which may lead to water and soil loss, must take soil and water conservation measures: abandoned soil, stone, sand and slag, the tailings sand must be properly handled, are not allowed to fall Rivers, rivers and reservoirs. When the project is completed, borrowers shall take plant measures and necessary engineering measures to keep the soil and water resources within the scope of borrowed fields, excavated surfaces and other exposed areas. This article has made it very clear that the relations between industrial and mining infrastructure and soil and water conservation are elaborated. To put it in a word, we must follow up on soil and water conservation measures for the construction of industrial and mining infrastructure. Otherwise, huge losses will be caused and the smooth progress of the four modernizations will be affected.
Freeform optical surfaces (FOSs) will be the best elements in the design of compact optical systems in the future. However, it is extremely difficult to measure
(1) 0~3点 这个时间是人们主要的休息时间。据医学资料,此时迷走神经兴奋,因此很不利于行车安全。 (2) 4点30分~6点 此时是人们的第二睡眠期,也不利于驾车。 (3) 13~14点 工作
北京中关村科技园区推出了 KB超级抗磨节能剂。它是节能、环保兼顾的科技项目 ,立足边缘学科 ,交叉运用 ,经 1 2年开发研制 ,5年试用 ,已形成了系列产品。“KB”来自石油 ,由
巧补蓄电池壳 将蓄电池壳破裂的地方清洗干净,根据裂口的大小、形状用电工刀破口。然后取松香粉、沥青、胶粉(1:1:1)盛至铁盒内,用微火加热熬化,边熬化边搅拌,并加入适量石
本文介绍通过在钢纤维两端弯钩的方法提高钢纤维与混凝土之间的握裹力。经优选获得的 K—5型高碳钢丝弯钩纤维配制的混凝土与用平直钢纤维配制的混凝土相比,在抗弯强度相同
《双声道回声测试仪检定规程》等 4项规程经批准为国家石油和化学工业局 (石油 )部门计量检定规程 ,其名称、编号如下 :1.JJG(石油 ) 10 - 2 0 0 0 双声道回声测试仪检定规程 (
由济南金品磁棒有限公司、济南磁学应用技术研究所发起主办 ,国内十余家高频设备及配件厂家协助联办的第二届国内焊管行业技术服务、经验介绍、信息交流会议于 2 0 0 1年 4月