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8月23日上午,省老促会举行常务理事会。罗天同志汇报了四届二次理事会以来的主要工作情况,并对今后工作作了部署。省老促会四届二次会议后几个月来主要做了几件工作:一、抓紧贯彻省老促会四届二次会议精神。省老促会四届二次全体理事会后,省老促会常务理事长和15个城市老促会理事长举行联席会议,领会会议精神,研究深入学习、贯彻的意见。省老促会各片和各地市老促会也迅速贯彻会议精神。省老促会利用《简报》及时通报了各地贯彻情况,各市传达贯彻后,普遍得到了党政领导的重视和支持,纷纷表示支持老促会的工 On the morning of August 23, Provincial Council for the Promotion of Old-Manners held a standing council. Comrade Luo Tian reported on the major work done since the Second Session of the Fourth Council and made arrangements for his future work. In the months following the second meeting of the Fourth Provincial Committee of the Provincial Association for Promoting Youth Development, several main tasks were done: First, to implement the spirit of the Second Session of the Fourth Session of the Provincial Association for Promoting Youth Development. After the meeting was held in the second session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Standing Committee Chairman of the Provincial Association for Promotion of Promoting Labor and the chairman of the 15 Municipal Association for Promoting Business of the Province held a joint meeting to understand the spirit of the meeting and study in-depth study and implementation opinions. Provincial Association for Promoting the Promotion of Social Security and local governments of the Council also promptly implement the spirit of the meeting. The provincial party committee urged the use of “briefing papers” to promptly report on the implementation of the situation throughout the country. After the cities have communicated and implemented them, they have received the great attention and support from the party and government leaders and have all expressed their support for the work of the association
本文对采用可与数控装置配套使用的外圆磨床微进给执行机构——变形微进给顶尖的横向进给精度作一些探讨。对其原理、方法、进给精度作了概要介绍和分析。 In this paper, t