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蘇聯与中華人民共和國友好同盟互助條約,關於中國長春鐵路,旅順口及大連的協定以及关於蘇聯政府給予中華人民共和國以長期經濟貸款的協定,業於二月十四日在克里姆林宫簽訂,並於昨日在真理報上發表。這些條約和協定使得蘇中两國人民友誼的發展與鞏固進入一個新的紀元,標誌看國際關係發展的新階段,對於鞏固全世界和平與民主的事業是重大貢獻。這些所以發表的文件,表現着在莫斯科進行的談判的成果,蘇聯方面參加這次談判的是蘇聯部長會議主席約瑟夫·斯大林同志和蘇聯外交部長安得列·維辛斯基,中國方面是中華人民共和國中央人民政府主席毛澤東和中華人民共和国政務院總理兼外交部長周恩來。由於談判的結果和由於簽訂友好同盟互助條約以及关於中國長春鐵路的協定,蘇聯及中華人民共和国外交 The Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance between the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, the Agreement on China’s Changchun Railway, Port Arthur and Dalian, and the Agreement on a Long-term Economic Loan to the People’s Republic of China by the Soviet Government. The agreement was signed at the Kremlin on February 14 and was held at Posted in Pravda yesterday. These treaties and agreements have brought the development and consolidation of the friendship between the peoples of the two countries in a new era and marked a new phase in the development of international relations. They are a significant contribution to the consolidation of the cause of peace and democracy in the world. The documents thus published show the fruits of the negotiations in Moscow. The Soviet Union took part in the negotiations with Comrade Joseph Stalin, chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers, and André Vyshinsky, the Soviet foreign minister, and China, the People’s Republic of China Chairman Mao Zedong of the Central People’s Government and Zhou Enlai, the prime minister and foreign minister of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. As a result of the negotiations and the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance, Mutual Assistance and the agreement on China’s Changchun Railway, the diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China
[摘 要] 学生交际能力的培养在英语学习中是很重要的,学生不仅在听说方面的交际能力大大增强,同时也促进了读写交际能力的发展,会取得多方面的效果。更重要的是,学生从以前被动的听讲者转变为课堂的积极参与者,他们的主体意识在这个过程中得到了充分的尊重与强化,从而增强了主动学习的意识,提高了学习能力;增强了创新意识,培养了创造能力。  [关键词] 激发交际兴趣 培养 能力  英语课堂教学不仅
我洗头发从来没有那么勤。我在大学那时候,我的纪录是三周洗一次。但不管如何,这对我来说都有益,只因为我的头发干燥,缺少油性。我认为这是我很诚实的一点儿坦白。 I’ve ne